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Real Time Gender Detection

Computer vision
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Applied Machine Learning.jpg

Prerequisite :

  • You must have python 3.7 or more installed on your system.

  • You must have Spyder, jupyter notebook or pycharm installed on your system. Spyder or jupyter notebook come up with anaconda. you just need to launch them after installing anaconda.

What you’ll learn

  • How to read the image data and preprocess it for the gender detection model.

  • How to build the gender detection model using convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithm

  • How to Evaluate the model

  • How to check the accuracy and loss of a model by visualizing it.

  • How to use the model in real time to detect whether the person is male or female.

Problem Statement:

Automatically detecting the gender of a person or estimating his/her age is valuable in many fields of work. In the area of computer vision exist a variety of possible approaches, mostly based on machine learning, to accomplish this task. The aim of this project is to identify the person on a real time camera is male or female with the help of a Convolutional neural network by using the keras library.

Key highlights of projects or Essence

  • This project is about Real time gender detection using deep learning.

  • This project shows you how to read the image data and preprocess.

  • This project Show you how to build image classification model using convolutional neural network

  • At the end of the project show you how to use the model to perform the real time gender detection.

Recommended projects:

  1. Face mask detection

  2. Image classification with CIFAR-10 Dataset

  3. Dogs breed identification

  4. Traffic sign classification

  5. Breast cancer detection

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