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Pose Estimation using Mediapipe

Computer vision
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Prerequisite :

  • You must have python 3.7 or more installed on your system.

  • You must have Spyder, jupyter notebook or pycharm installed on your system. Spyder or jupyter notebook come up with anaconda. you just need to launch them after installing anaconda.

  • If you work on a colab no need to install python or Any other IDE, you need to just sign in with google colab.

Skilled required:

  • Python programming language

  • Machine learning concept

  • Deep learning concept

What you’ll learn

  • How to build pose estimation engine which able to detect human skeleton 30 key points from video

Problem Statement or Description:

Pose estimation is a computer vision technique that predicts and tracks the location of a person or object. In this project we used the mediapipe library which is used for the media preprocessing. This Pose estimation engine detects human skeleton with 30 keypoints.

Key highlights of projects or Essence

  • This project is about pose estimation engines.

  • This project showed you how to build the pose estimation engine model which is able to detect the 30 key points of the human skeleton.

Packages and module used:

  • os

  • Matplotlib

  • Mediapipe

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if you need any assistance or mentorship, please send a help request

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