Hi Everyone, Today We discuss about "How to setup Angular in your System?".
Step 1 : Let's Start with Choosing a perfect Editor.
You need to choose an editor for creating your angular projects. You can choose any editor of your choice including any editions of Visual Studio, Eclipse, Atom etc.
We will be using Visual Studio code as our editor. Visual studio code is an open source project and free to use. It can run on Windows, Linux & OS X. It has IntelliSense support, easy integration with Git and support for debugging the applications. It has a great support for Typescript. You can download VS Code from here:
Step 2: Install Node.js
You should install node.js to run your Angular 7 app.
It manages npm dependencies support some browsers when loading particular pages.
It provides required libraries to run Angular project.
Node.js serves your run-time environment as your localhost.
Open command prompt in your system and use command
Download it from here .
Step 3: Install Angular in your system:
Open Command Prompt.
Run the Angular CLI command to install Angular CLI
npm install -g @angular/cli

After installing angular cli, Check version of angular to confirm whether angular is installed or not.
ng --version

Your angular is successfully installed. That's all about installation of Angular.
In our next post, We will discuss about "Making Web Pages using Angular".
Stay Safe and Stay Connected.
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