The bank database schema has a combination of multiple tables, where we will creating database schema tables which is more helpful to design a bank database.
Bank database is a collection of multiple tables like customer, branch, account, trandetails, loan.
Now we will be writing tables to create bank database schema:
First, create the database "bank"
mysql> CREATE DATABASE bank;
Then use the database bank to creating tables inside it.
mysql> USE bank;
Creating table customer
custid VARCHAR(6),
fname VARCHAR(30),
mname VARCHAR(30),
ltname VARCHAR(30),
city VARCHAR(15),
mobileno VARCHAR(10),
occupation VARCHAR(10),
dob DATE,
CONSTRAINT customer_custid_pk PRIMARY KEY(custid)
The customer table is created successfully, now we will create the next table "branch".
Creating table branch
bid VARCHAR(6),
bname VARCHAR(30),
bcity VARCHAR(30),
CONSTRAINT branch_bid_pk PRIMARY KEY(bid)
Creating table account
acnumber VARCHAR(6),
custid VARCHAR(6),
bid VARCHAR(6),
opening_balance INT(7),
aod DATE,
atype VARCHAR(10),
astatus VARCHAR(10),
CONSTRAINT account_acnumber_pk PRIMARY KEY(acnumber),
CONSTRAINT account_custid_fk FOREIGN KEY(custid) REFERENCES customer(custid),
CONSTRAINT account_bid_fk FOREIGN KEY(bid) REFERENCES branch(bid)
Creating table trandetails
CREATE TABLE trandetails
tnumber VARCHAR(6),
acnumber VARCHAR(6),
dot DATE,
medium_of_transaction VARCHAR(20),
transaction_type VARCHAR(20),
transaction_amount INT(7),
CONSTRAINT trandetails_tnumber_pk PRIMARY KEY(tnumber),
CONSTRAINT trandetails_acnumber_fk FOREIGN KEY(acnumber) REFERENCES account(acnumber)
Creating table loan
custid VARCHAR(6),
bid VARCHAR(6),
loan_amount INT(7),
CONSTRAINT loan_customer_custid_bid_pk PRIMARY KEY(custid,bid),
CONSTRAINT loan_custid_fk FOREIGN KEY(custid) REFERENCES customer(custid),
CONSTRAINT loan_bid_fk FOREIGN KEY(bid) REFERENCES branch(bid)
All the tables are created now we will be inserting database records into these tables:
Insert records into the customer table:
Inserting Record:
INSERT INTO customer VALUES('C00001','Ramesh','Chandra','Sharma','Delhi','9543198345','Service','1976-12-06');
INSERT INTO customer VALUES('C00002','Avinash','Sunder','Minha','Delhi','9876532109','Service','1974-10-16');
INSERT INTO customer VALUES('C00003','Rahul',null,'Rastogi','Delhi','9765178901','Student','1981-09-26');
INSERT INTO customer VALUES('C00004','Parul',null,'Gandhi','Delhi','9876532109','Housewife','1976-11-03');
INSERT INTO customer VALUES('C00005','Naveen','Chandra','Aedekar','Mumbai','8976523190','Service','1976-09-19');
INSERT INTO customer VALUES('C00006','Chitresh',null,'Barwe','Mumbai','7651298321','Student','1992-11-06');
INSERT INTO customer VALUES('C00007','Amit','Kumar','Borkar','Mumbai','9875189761','Student','1981-09-06');
INSERT INTO customer VALUES('C00008','Nisha',null,'Damle','Mumbai','7954198761','Service','1975-12-03');
INSERT INTO customer VALUES('C00009','Abhishek',null,'Dutta','Kolkata','9856198761','Service','1973-05-22');
INSERT INTO customer VALUES('C00010','Shankar',null,'Nair','Chennai','8765489076','Service','1976-07-12');
Now inserting records into the branch table:
INSERT INTO branch VALUES('B00001','Asaf ali road','Delhi');
INSERT INTO branch VALUES('B00002','New delhi main branch','Delhi');
INSERT INTO branch VALUES('B00003','Delhi cantt','Delhi');
INSERT INTO branch VALUES('B00004','Jasola','Delhi');
INSERT INTO branch VALUES('B00005','Mahim','Mumbai');
INSERT INTO branch VALUES('B00006','Vile parle','Mumbai');
INSERT INTO branch VALUES('B00007','Mandvi','Mumbai');
INSERT INTO branch VALUES('B00008','Jadavpur','Kolkata');
INSERT INTO branch VALUES('B00009','Kodambakkam','Chennai');
Now inserting records into the account table:
INSERT INTO account VALUES('A00001','C00001','B00001',1000,'2012-12-15','Saving','Active');
INSERT INTO account VALUES('A00002','C00002','B00001',1000,'2012-06-12','Saving','Active');
INSERT INTO account VALUES('A00003','C00003','B00002',1000,'2012-05-17','Saving','Active');
INSERT INTO account VALUES('A00004','C00002','B00005',1000,'2013-01-27','Saving','Active');
INSERT INTO account VALUES('A00005','C00006','B00006',1000,'2012-12-17','Saving','Active');
INSERT INTO account VALUES('A00006','C00007','B00007',1000,'2010-08-12','Saving','Suspended');
INSERT INTO account VALUES('A00007','C00007','B00001',1000,'2012-10-02','Saving','Active');
INSERT INTO account VALUES('A00008','C00001','B00003',1000,'2009-11-09','Saving','Terminated');
INSERT INTO account VALUES('A00009','C00003','B00007',1000,'2008-11-30','Saving','Terminated');
INSERT INTO account VALUES('A00010','C00004','B00002',1000,'2013-03-01','Saving','Active');
Now inserting records into the trandetails table:
INSERT INTO trandetails VALUES('T00001','A00001','2013-01-01','Cheque','Deposit',2000);
INSERT INTO trandetails VALUES('T00002','A00001','2013-02-01','Cash','Withdrawal',1000);
INSERT INTO trandetails VALUES('T00003','A00002','2013-01-01','Cash','Deposit',2000);
INSERT INTO trandetails VALUES('T00004','A00002','2013-02-01','Cash','Deposit',3000);
INSERT INTO trandetails VALUES('T00005','A00007','2013-01-11','Cash','Deposit',7000);
INSERT INTO trandetails VALUES('T00006','A00007','2013-01-13','Cash','Deposit',9000);
INSERT INTO trandetails VALUES('T00007','A00001','2013-03-13','Cash','Deposit',4000);
INSERT INTO trandetails VALUES('T00008','A00001','2013-03-14','Cheque','Deposit',3000);
INSERT INTO trandetails VALUES('T00009','A00001','2013-03-21','Cash','Withdrawal',9000);
INSERT INTO trandetails VALUES('T00010','A00001','2013-03-22','Cash','Withdrawal',2000);
INSERT INTO trandetails VALUES('T00011','A00002','2013-03-25','Cash','Withdrawal',7000);
INSERT INTO trandetails VALUES('T00012','A00007','2013-03-26','Cash','Withdrawal',2000);
Now inserting records into the trandetails table:
INSERT INTO loan VALUES('C00001','B00001',100000);
INSERT INTO loan VALUES('C00002','B00002',200000);
INSERT INTO loan VALUES('C00009','B00008',400000);
INSERT INTO loan VALUES('C00010','B00009',500000);
INSERT INTO loan VALUES('C00001','B00003',600000);
INSERT INTO loan VALUES('C00002','B00001',600000);
Performs querying on this:
All tables with records are created, now we will perform queries on these tables:
Write a query to display the customer number, firstname, customer’s date of birth. Display in sorted order of date of birth year and within that sort by firstname.
Write a query to display the customer’s number, first name, and middle name. The customer’s who don’t have a middle name, for them display the last name. Give the alias name as Cust_Name.
Write a query to display account number, customer’s number, customer’s firstname,lastname,account opening date.
Problem # 4:
Write a query to display the number of customer’s from Delhi. Give the count an alias name of Cust_Count.
Problem # 5:
Write a query to display the customer number, customer firstname,account number for the customer’s whose accounts were created after 15th of any month.
Problem # 6:
Write a query to display the female customers firstname, city and account number who are not into business, service or studies.
Problem # 7:
Write a query to display city name and count of branches in that city. Give the count of branches an alias name of Count_Branch.
Problem # 8:
Write a query to display account id, customer’s firstname, customer’s lastname for the customer’s whose account is Active.
Problem # 9:
Write a query to display the customer’s number, customer’s firstname, branch id and loan amount for people who have taken loans.
Problem # 10:
Write a query to display customer number, customer name, account number where the account status is terminated.
And lots off query which may helpful for you, if you need help in this type of database schema then please contact us.
It may helpful for designing any database schema.
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