Object detection algorithms in machine learning
This is an object detection technology that is used for image classification.
First, import the packages or modules required for this section.
#Import all the libraries
%matplotlib inline
import d2l
from mxnet import contrib, gluon, image, np, npx
Now reshape the object
#reshape the box
boxes = Y.reshape(h, w, 5, 4)
boxes[250, 250, 0, :]
Now draw multiple boxes on object
# Saved in the d2l package for later use
def show_bboxes(axes, bboxes, labels=None, colors=None):
"""Show bounding boxes."""
def _make_list(obj, default_values=None):
if obj is None:
obj = default_values
elif not isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
obj = [obj]
return obj
labels = _make_list(labels)
colors = _make_list(colors, ['b', 'g', 'r', 'm', 'c'])
for i, bbox in enumerate(bboxes):
color = colors[i % len(colors)]
rect = d2l.bbox_to_rect(bbox.asnumpy(), color)
if labels and len(labels) > i:
text_color = 'k' if color == 'w' else 'w'
axes.text(rect.xy[0], rect.xy[1], labels[i],
va='center', ha='center', fontsize=9, color=text_color,
bbox=dict(facecolor=color, lw=0))
Reshape the all the boxes
#reshape all the boxes in different size
d2l.set_figsize((3.5, 2.5))
bbox_scale = np.array((w, h, w, h))
fig = d2l.plt.imshow(img)
show_bboxes(fig.axes, boxes[250, 250, :, :] * bbox_scale,
['s=0.75, r=1', 's=0.5, r=1', 's=0.25, r=1', 's=0.75, r=2',
's=0.75, r=0.5'])
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