It is used to show the linear relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables
What is Regression?
Regression analysis is a form of predictive modeling technique which investigates the relationship between a dependent and independent variable
Types of Regression
Linear Regression
Logistic Regression
Polynomial Regression
Stepwise Regression
Linear Regression vs Logistic Regression
Linear Regression
The data is modeled using a straight line
Continuous Variable
Value of the variable
Measured by loss, R squared, Adjusted R squared, etc.
Logistic Regression
The data is modeled using a sigmoid
Categorical Variable
Probability of occurrence of an event
Measured by Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1 score, ROC curve, Confusion Matrix, etc
How do Linear Regression Algorithm works?
Least squares is a statistical method used to determine the best fit line or the regression line by minimizing the sum of squares created by a mathematical function. The “square” here refers to squaring the distance between a data point and the regression line. The line with the minimum value of the sum of the square is the best-fit regression line
Regression Line, y = mx+c where,
y = Dependent Variable
x= Independent Variable ; c = y-Intercept
Least Square Method – Implementation using Python
#Importing Necessary Libraries
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (20.0, 10.0)
# Reading Data
data = pd.read_csv('headbrain.csv')
# Collecting X and Y
X = data['Head Size(cm^3)'].values
Y = data['Brain Wei
To find the value of m and c, you first need to calculate the mean of X and Y
# Mean X and Y
mean_x = np.mean(X)
mean_y = np.mean(Y)
# Total number of values
n = len(X)
# Using the formula to calculate m and c
numer = 0
denom = 0
for i in range(n):
numer += (X[i] - mean_x) * (Y[i] - mean_y)
denom += (X[i] - mean_x) ** 2
m = numer / denom
c = mean_y - (m * mean_x)
# Print coefficients
print(m, c)
The value of m and c from above will be added to this equation
BrainWeight = c + m ∗ HeadSize
Plotting Linear Regression Line
# Plotting Values and Regression Line
max_x = np.max(X) + 100
min_x = np.min(X) - 100
# Calculating line values x and y
x = np.linspace(min_x, max_x, 1000)
y = c + m * x
# Ploting Line
plt.plot(x, y, color='#52b920', label='Regression Line')
# Ploting Scatter Points
plt.scatter(X, Y, c='#ef4423', label='Scatter Plot')
plt.xlabel('Head Size in cm3')
plt.ylabel('Brain Weight in grams')
R Square Method – Goodness of Fit
R–squared value is the statistical measure to show how close the data are to the fitted regression line
R square – Implementation using Python
#ss_t is the total sum of squares and ss_r is the total sum of squares of residuals(relate them to the formula).
ss_t = 0
ss_r = 0
for i in range(m):
y_pred = c + m * X[i]
ss_t += (Y[i] - mean_y) ** 2
ss_r += (Y[i] - y_pred) ** 2
r2 = 1 - (ss_r/ss_t)
I hope you can understand it using least square method, now we do it using sklearn algorithm
Linear Regression – Implementation using scikit learn
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
# Cannot use Rank 1 matrix in scikit learn
X = X.reshape((m, 1))
# Creating Model
reg = LinearRegression()
# Fitting training data
reg =, Y)
# Y Prediction
Y_pred = reg.predict(X)
# Calculating R2 Score
r2_score = reg.score(X, Y)
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