Create an application which uses the Twitter Search API (Links to an external site.) to ingest tweets about the following list of celebrities from April 1 to the day before the project is due. Your application should be able to determine which of these celebrities are the most tweeted about and of the most tweeted celebrity, who has tweeted the most about that celebrity in this time frame.
a.) The query (or queries) to compute which celebrity has been the most tweeted about in the specified time frame
i.e.) Barack Obama has been mentioned the most with 12,000 times from August 16 - 17, 2019.
b.) The query (queries) to compute for the most celebrity tweeted about, who has tweeted the most about that celebrity in the time specified
i.e.) @XXXXX mentioned Barack Obama the most with 5 times from August 16 - 17, 2019.
c.) The results of executing these queries. Additionally, in a table, show the total number of tweets for each of these celebrities.
Tweets | Celebrity | Mentioned
0 | Barack Obama | 12,000
1 | Ariana Grande | 10,000
import pandas as pd
import tweepy
import datetime
import time
from textblob import TextBlob
Setting api key
consumer_key = 'Your consumer key'
consumer_secret = 'Your consumer secret'
access_token = 'Your access token'
access_token_secret = 'Your access token secret'
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth)
startDate = datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 19, 0, 0, 0)
endDate = datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 21, 0, 0, 0)
def getUser_tweets(api, user):
# tweets from a specific user
#item = api.get_user(screen_name = user,since =startDate, until = endDate)
#return item.statuses_count
tmpTweets = api.user_timeline(screen_name = user)
tweets = []
for tweet in tmpTweets:
if tweet.created_at < endDate and tweet.created_at > startDate:
return len(tweets)
except tweepy.error.TweepError:
def getMost_tweetted(api, user):
query = user
max_tweets = 100000
searched_tweets = []
last_id = -1
while len(searched_tweets) < max_tweets:
count = max_tweets - len(searched_tweets)
new_tweets =, count=count, max_id=str(last_id - 1))
if not new_tweets:
tweets = []
for tweet in new_tweets:
if tweet.created_at < endDate and tweet.created_at > startDate:
#print("Tweets ",len(tweets))
last_id = new_tweets[-1].id
except tweepy.TweepError as e:
# depending on TweepError.code, one may want to retry or wait
# to keep things simple, we will give up on an error
return len(searched_tweets)
def getMaxTweettedUser(api, user):
query = user
max_tweets = 100000
searched_tweets = []
user_mentioned = {}
last_id = -1
while len(searched_tweets) < max_tweets:
count = max_tweets - len(searched_tweets)
new_tweets =, count=count, max_id=str(last_id - 1))
if not new_tweets:
tweets = []
for tweet in new_tweets:
if tweet.created_at < endDate and tweet.created_at > startDate:
last_id = new_tweets[-1].id
except tweepy.TweepError as e:
for tweet in searched_tweets:
if in user_mentioned:
user_mentioned[] = user_mentioned[] + 1
user_mentioned[] = 1
s = [(k, user_mentioned[k]) for k in sorted(user_mentioned, key=user_mentioned.get, reverse=True)]
# return tuple with value (count,id) example (5, '@katyperry')
return s[0]
users = ["@katyperry", "@justinbieber", "@BarackObama", "@rihanna", "@taylorswift13", "@ladygaga", "@TheEllenShow", "@cristiano", "@timberlake", "@ArianaGrande"]
1. Finding no of tweets for every user
for user in users:
print(user, " has tweeted ", getUser_tweets(api, user), " times")
@katyperry has tweeted 1 times
@justinbieber has tweeted 0 times
@BarackObama has tweeted 0 times
@rihanna has tweeted 0 times
@taylorswift13 has tweeted 3 times
@ladygaga has tweeted 0 times
@TheEllenShow has tweeted 12 times
@cristiano has tweeted 1 times
@timberlake has tweeted 0 times
@ArianaGrande has tweeted 1 times
a.) The query (or queries) to compute which celebrity has been the most tweeted about in the specified time frame i.e.) Barack Obama has been mentioned the most with 12,000 times from August 16 - 17, 2019
for user in users:
print(user, " has been mentioned ", getMost_tweetted(api, user), " times")
b.) The query (queries) to compute for the most celebrity tweeted about, who has tweeted the most about that celebrity in the time specified i.e.) @XXXXX mentioned Barack Obama the most with 5 times from August 16 - 17, 2019.
#taylorswift13 has most tweeted
user = '@katyperry'
most_twitted = getMaxTweettedUser(api, user)
print(most_twitted[0], "mentioned", user, most_twitted[1],"from August 19 - 21, 2019")
c.) The results of executing these queries. Additionally, in a table, show the total number of tweets for each of these celebrities. | Celebrity | Mentioned
for user in users:
print(getUser_tweets(api, user)," | ", user, " | ", getMost_tweetted(api, user))
1 | @katyperry | 1
0 | @justinbieber | 5
0 | @BarackObama | 8
0 | @rihanna | 0
3 | @taylorswift13 | 41
1 | @ladygaga | 6
5 | @TheEllenShow | 4
0 | @cristiano | 1
0 | @timberlake | 0
9 | @ArianaGrande | 24
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