Data mining is most trending and demanding topics in today day to day life.Coming of machine learning and Big data tools has benefitted world from unused data of digital world. Due to increasing use of internet every day millions of data are uploading over the internet and also it 's larger opportunities for business to get insight from user interest and search.
There are many interesting topics that one can implement in Data Mining and Data analytics with use of machine learning.
There are a lot of Ideas :
Hotel Recommendation system using Hybrid recommendation system
Facebook profile analysis
Detecting Fraud apps using sentiment analysis
Analysis of log data
Personality prediction system using CV analysis
TV show popularity using data mining
Image processing with the aspect of data analysis using TensorFlow
Personalized book recommendation system using collaborative filtering
Cooking recipe rating using sentiment analysis
Creating some small personalized Chatbots
Content summary generation using NLP
Stock market analysis and prediction
Sentiment analysis for product rating
website evaluation using opinion mining
Movie success prediction using data mining
Predicting airline delays
Recommendation system through machine learning
Machine learning for video games
Fraud apps detection using data mining
Machine learning for disaster management
Face recognition system
Face Play:Music and movie recommendation through Facial expression using ML and CV
Crime Analysis and PredictionMovie recommender system from tweets data
Chatbot based health care recommendation system using Machine Learning
Intent Prediction for Spoken Language Understanding (NLP)
Sentiment Analysis for twitter data
And likewise, there could be hundreds of those.