Hi Everyone, Today's topic is datatypes used in PL/SQL.
Each value in PL/SQL such as a constant, variable and parameter has a data type that determines the storage format, valid values, and allowed operations.
Types of Datatypes in PL/SQL:
Scaler : store single values such as
a. Number
b. Boolean
c. Character
d. DateTime
2. Composite : store multiple values such as
a. Record
b. Collection
Note that PL/SQL scalar data types include SQL data types and its own data type such as Boolean.
Variables in PL/SQL :
In PL/SQL, a variable is named storage location that stores a value of a particular data type.
The value of the variable changes through the program.
Before using a variable, you must declare it in the declaration section of a block.
How to Declare Variables in PL/SQL:
variable_name [CONSTANT] datatype [NOT NULL] [:= | DEFAULT initial_value]
Naming rules for PL/SQL variables
The variable in PL/SQL must follow some naming rules like other programming languages.
The variable_name should not exceed 30 characters.
The name of the variable must begin with ASCII letter. The PL/SQL is not case sensitive so it could be either lowercase or uppercase. For example: v_data and V_DATA refer to the same variables.
You should make your variable easy to read and understand, after the first character, it may be any number, underscore (_) or dollar sign ($).
NOT NULL is an optional specification on the variable.
Initializing Variables in PL/SQL
Evertime you declare a variable, PL/SQL defines a default value NULL to it. If you want to initialize a variable with other value than NULL value, you can do so during the declaration, by using any one of the following methods.
1 The assignment(:=) operator
counter binary_integer := 0;
2. The DEFAULT keyword
greetings varchar2(20) DEFAULT 'Hello JavaTpoint';
a integer := 30;
b integer := 40;
c integer;
f real;
c := a + b;
dbms_output.put_line('Value of c: ' || c);
f := 100.0/3.0;
dbms_output.put_line('Value of f: ' || f);
Statement processed.
Value of c: 70
Value of f: 33.33333333333333333333333333333333333333
Constants in PL/SQL:
A constant is a value used in a PL/SQL block that remains unchanged throughout the program. It is a user-defined literal value. It can be declared and used instead of actual values.
constant_name CONSTANT datatype := VALUE;
num CONSTANT NUMBER := 45; -- days
Thank you for reading.
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