This was my first java project submitted to geeksforgeeks.
Academic Project management is a major issue which is faced by many educational institutes, the main reason for this is there is no automated system followed in any institute. College management/staff gathers all the project reports and project sources from students and store them physically in some locations probably libraries. To overcome this practical problem and also to make the process easy we developed a secured intranet application which is useful for each.
Admin panel:
Provide user/password to each memberCreate new user, changing request.Can send notification to all membersCreate different types of roles and granting permission
Head of Department panel:
Can see project detailsApprove project according to requirementComment and feedback.
Project in-charge:
Can see project detailsApprove project according to requirementComment and feedback
Internal guide:
Can see project detailsApprove project according to requirementComment and feedback
Student Panel:
Can change own profile details and user/password given by adminUpload any number of project abstract,synopsis,report and software codeCan see project approval stageCan see notification on mail after successful approval of project.
Note: each project uploaded by student will process from HOD to project in-charge to internal guide and student can see project status after approval of one authorities project will go to next phase .in any phase if project don’t fulfill requirement project will be rejected.
Login Panel:
Encrypted/ decrypted username/password.
JSP, Servlet, AJAX, Netbean, gmail api.
RSA algorithms for encryption and decyption.