Need Help With My Database Design for Product Management Queries
1. Write a query to display the customer_id,customer full name ,city,pincode,and order details (order id,order date, product class desc, product desc, subtotal(product_quantity * product_price)) for orders shipped to cities whose pin codes do not have any 0s in them. Sort the output on customer name, order date and subtotal. (52 ROWS) [NOTE: TABLE TO BE USED - online_customer, address, order_header, order_items, product, product_class]
2. Write a Query to display product id,product description,totalquantity(sum(product quantity) for a given item whose product id is 201 and which item has been bought along with it maximum no. of times. (USE SUB-QUERY) (1 ROW) [NOTE: ORDER_ITEMS TABLE, PRODUCT TABLE]
3. Write a query to display carton id, (len*width*height) as carton_vol and identify the optimum carton (carton with the least volume whose volume is greater than the total volume of all items (len * width * height * product_quantity)) for a given order whose order id is 10006, Assume all items of an order are packed into one single carton (box). (1 ROW) [NOTE: CARTON TABLE]
4. Write a query to display details (customer id,customer fullname,order id,product quantity) of customers who bought more than ten (i.e. total order qty) products per shipped order. (11 ROWS) [NOTE: TABLES TO BE USED - online_customer, order_header, order_items,]
5. Write a query to display the order_id, customer id and cutomer full name of customers along with (product_quantity) as total quantity of products shipped for order ids > 10060. (6 ROWS) [NOTE: TABLES TO BE USED - online_customer, order_header, order_items]
6. Write a query to display country, product class description ,total quantity (sum(product_quantity),Total value (product_quantity * product price) and show which class of products have been shipped highest(Quantity) to countries outside India other than USA? Also show the total value of those items. (1 ROWS)[NOTE:PRODUCT TABLE,ADDRESS TABLE,ONLINE_CUSTOMER TABLE,ORDER_HEADER TABLE,ORDER_ITEMS TABLE,PRODUCT_CLASS TABLE]
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