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How to create Django Model ? | Create Model and insert Object data using Django Shell

Updated: Mar 18, 2021

What is model in django ?

A model is a class that represents table or collection in our DB, and where every attribute of the class is a field of the table or collection. Models are defined in the Create_Model_App/

Dreamreal model created as an example:

from django.db import models

class Dreamreal(models.Model):

website = models.CharField(max_length = 50)

mail = models.CharField(max_length = 50)

name = models.CharField(max_length = 50)

phonenumber = models.IntegerField()

class Meta:

db_table = "dreamreal"

And then after use command :

>python makemigrations


If you make any changes in module object then run this code in Django shell script:

>python migrate

Start shell in cmd:

>python shell

Import Module class as:

>form create_model_App.models import Dreamreal,Online

Now table is created and we enter and display data form this table:

Check table record by id. It means we can check what numbers of time we will added record

Another way to save record in a table: First define a model and entered record one by one in models or django tables.

> a = Dreamreal()

> = ""

> a.mail = ""

> = "jitendra"

> a.phonenumber = "9999999999"


If we want to display data with group means one object link with another objects then we add these line in our code:

from django.db import models

class Dreamreal(models.Model): website = models.CharField(max_length = 50) mail = models.CharField(max_length = 50) name = models.CharField(max_length = 50) phonenumber = models.IntegerField() def __str__(self): return + '----' + self.mail

After change code first we exit( by using( >exit )command) from shell then and back to database API by using these commands:

Now import show result again:

Filteration using filter to specify output:

Use this in python shell:


To see structure of Dreamreal module add some line in

from django.contrib import admin

from .models import Dreamreal

# Register your models here.

output result:

Click on Dreamreals

output show all previous add data which added through or shell

If you want to make any changes in data then click one of a the object. And make changes by this.

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