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Advance Java Assignment Help

Updated: Oct 16, 2021

Hi , Hope you are doing well. This post is focused on Advance Java.

Let start with Advance java.

What is Advance Java?

  • It is a part of Java programming language.

  • It is an advanced technology or advance version of Java specially designed to develop web-based or enterprise applications.

  • It includes the concepts like Servlet, JSP, JDBC, RMI, Socket programming, etc. It is a specialization in specific domain.

  • Most of the applications developed using advance Java uses low-tier architecture i.e. Client and Server. All the applications that runs on Server can be considered as advance Java applications.

Topics in Advance java

Web Components

  1. Basics of a Web application

  2. Servlets

  3. Session Management

  4. JSPs ,JSP Elements

  5. JSP Tag library (JSTL)

Struts Framework (version 2.x)

  1. Basics of MVC

  2. Struts 2 Architecture

  3. Struts 2 set up and firstction class

  4. Struts 2 Interceptors

  5. Struts 2 Tag Library

  6. Struts 2 Validations

  7. Struts 2 Tiles Frameworks

  1. Introduction

  2. Hibernate Architecture

  3. Hibernate CRUD

  4. Mapping Collections and Associations

  5. Using Hibernate Annotations

  1. Introduction to spring

  2. Introduction to all modules of Spring

  3. Setting up spring

  4. Dependency Injection

  5. Spring AOP

  1. Introduction

  2. Creating Project

  3. Project Components

  4. Tool Suite

  5. Spring Boot AOP

  6. Spring Boot Database

    • JPA

    • JDBC

    • H2 Database

    • Crud Operations

7. Spring Boot View

  • Thymeleaf View

8. Spring Boot Caching

9. Spring Boot Misc

  • Run Spring Boot Application

  • Changing Port

10. Web Services: REST and SOAP

  • Logging Framework: Splunk, Log4J, SLF4j

  • Version-control system + repository hosting service: Git + Github

Some Common Java Assignment Topics:

Below are the list of Java assignment topics and modules for implementing in Java projects.

  • Library Management System

  • Banking Projects

  • Airline Reservation System

  • Course Management System

  • e-Hospital Management System

  • Payroll management System

  • Employee Management System

How Codersarts help you in Advance java?

Codersarts provide

  • Assignment help in any topics of Advance java.

  • Error Resolving in Advance java

  • Development project Help in Advance java

If you looking for any kind of help in Advance java. Contact us for instant help.


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