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Architecture and System Integration

Updated: Mar 23, 2021

Task 2 consists of a demo code package and a technical report for the integration plan. Submit your work as a .zip file, which contains the code files (another .zip file) and your report (a.docx file), to Blackboard Task 2. Please follow the submission instructions described in this document.

The task is an individual assignment and will be marked out of a total of 100 marks and forms 40% of the total assessment for the course. ALL assignments will be checked for plagiarism by SafeAssign system provided by Blackboard automatically.

Refer to your Course Outline or the Course Web Site for a copy of the “Student Misconduct, Plagiarism and Collusion” guidelines. Academic Integrity Information.

Assignment submission extensions will only be made using the official USC Guidelines.

Requests for an extension to an assignment MUST be made to the course coordinator prior to the date of submission and requests made on the day of submission or after the submission date will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.

Case Study: Ryanair – Technology Strategy

After evaluating various platforms, Ryanair finally decided to adopt a Service Oriented

Architecture (SOA) for its future IT infrastructure. Ryanair executives were impressed with

your Template based, Reference Architecture approach set out in your Task 1 Report and

have accepted your recommendations regarding IT Governance and Systems and Data

Sustainability. However, Ryanair Executives would like to gain a deeper understanding of:

  • Computing and storage infrastructure design,

  • Information integration,

  • Application and Service Integration, and

  • Technologies behind Application and Service Integration including a small specific demonstration of these technologies along with a brief explanation of the concepts and principles of how it works.

There are 2 parts to this Assignment:

Part 1 - Integration Demo (40%)

Ryanair understand planning European aircraft flight paths. Your Integration Demo will

demonstrate a basic flight planning microservice using service-oriented architecture. You will use a Google Maps Mashup to plot an aircraft route (including a number of ‘stop-overs’).

Your Google Maps Mashup will capture the endpoint coordinates (along with the name for the aircraft route) and send them to your microservice for storage. You will also be able to recall a stored aircraft route from your microservice and replot it on your Google Map Mashup. Please follow the instructions carefully. There are two major components in the demo system:

1. RESTful Web service server demo. In this demo, you are required to build a RESTful

Web service which supports two services:

  • ‘saveRoute’ query from the client browser similar to ‘/saveRoute?route=[xml object]’. The server Web Service will accept an XML object with similar format to Figure 1. As part of the python service you are required to:

  1. accept the XML object and extract the route name which will become an xml file name (e.g. ‘Route 1.xml’) and stored on the server,

  2. before saving the .xml file you are required to extract the ‘latitude’ and ‘longitude’ coordinates from the ‘latlng’ element and create two new elements alongside as siblings to each ‘latlng’ element to store the individual latitude and longitude coordinates,

  3. Store the adjusted .xml file using the Route name as the file name.

  • ‘getRoute’ query from the client browser similar to ‘/getRoute?route=[route name]’ will retrieve the aircraft route information from the server:

  1. The route name will be accepted, and the corresponding xml file will beretrieved and returned as an XML object to the Google Maps Mashup.

The Python Bottle framework is required for this implementation. A Python scrip file

with the name ‘’ will contain this RESTful Microservice Demo.

2. Mashup demo.

Ryanair operates around Europe so your initial Google Map will be centred on Europe. In this demo, you are required to build a html Europe focussed Google Maps Mashup application which accepts a route name as the input. There three functions (buttons on the html page) are required after the html page is initiated with a raw Europe

centred map:

  • Function 1 - Clicking on the Map will create markers and polylines between markers as you continue selecting locations. These polylines between markers will simulate an aircraft route for which you will input a name, collect the coordinates and their order into an XML object, and send to your microservice via your AJAX web service.

  • Function 2 – you will need to be able to clear the map back to its raw newly initiated state.

  • Function 3 – you will be able to type a route name into the input and retrieve a route from your microservice and populate the map with the saved route:

  1. This function will retrieve an XML object from your microservice via another AJAX web service.

  2. once your AJAX service receives the XML object it will need to extract the individual latitude and Longitude coordinates from the XML object and push them into the MVCArray.

  • A HTML file ‘plan_route_map.html’ should be implemented. In this file, a text field is provided at the page top to accept user’s route name input. In addition, three buttons are required to implement the three functions.

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