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Azure ML studio Assignment Help

Updated: Mar 31, 2022

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In this blog we will discuss Azure ML studio. What is it and how does it work? So let's start. If you don't know about Azure you can check this blog. Click here

What is Azure ML studio

Azure machine learning studio is the service provided by Microsoft Azure to create various machine learning models for your data. Here you do not need to write any code to build a machine learning model. Azure machine learning studio is a drag and drop tool that can be used to publish the machine learning model like web services. This studio provides you interactive and visual workspace where you can drag and drop the dataset and perform the data analysis, and the analysis converted into interactive canvas.

Microsoft Azure provides the services as cloud computing to building, testing, deploying and managing the application. All the facilities are provided by microsoft managed data centres.

Azure ML studio - Subscription

Azure ML studio offers both free and paid subscription based on storage or API usage. In the free subscription plan you can use upto 10 GB disk space and in the paid subscription plan provides the more advanced feature.

How to getting started with Azure ML studio

Now here we will show how to get started with Azure ML studio and how to build the classification model with Azure ml studio with sample dataset.

This is the first page of the microsoft azure ml studio after login. At the left side of the screenshot, these are the features of machine learning studio.

Select the Experiment button and then click on the New button as shown above screenshot. After that click on the blank experiment or load predefined project the gallery.

After clicking on the Blank experiment button you will see this type page on the screen.

How to import data

Azure ML studio has a lot of sample datasets. We can also upload the dataset or read from azure SQL database. One is the drawback of azure ml studio, It supports a limited number of formats including csv and tsv.

We can find sample of dataset, click on Saved datasets→samples.

Here we use the pima indian diabetes binary classification dataset to build the classification model.

After drag and drop the dataset.

We can visualize the dataset by right click on node and select dataset and then select visualize.

After clicking on visualize button

If you select any column you will get statistics information about the column in right side.

if you scroll down you can see the visualization of that column for example bar plot, scatterplot etc.

It provide very usefull features plot one variable againts another variable. as shown in the screenshot.

We can see in the right side of the screen option of node. we can use 0.8 ratio for the training dataset and remaining 0.2 is used for the test set. Spliting process is ramdom. We get the two output 1 and 2 node. 1 is training data and 2 is test data.

Now here we add the two class decission tree model. by searching the keyword.

Here we add the train model and connect two class decision forest to train model. also add the 80 % of the training data connect the train model.

After that we need to tell that model target varaible is class by selcting the launch column selector and select target column.

After trainning the model we want add score model and evaluate model. In score model still get the error. we need to connect the 20 % test data set to score function. After adding the connecting the test data to score model remove the error

Run the model by clicking on run button.

we can see the evaluation result by right clicking on evalate model and select evaluation result --> visualize

we will get this result

ROC Curve


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