This dashboard gives us a real-time overview of one of our most important support channels: live chat. The team can see at a glance how busy chat is at that time, and how well we’re meeting demand. If we have everything under control, then we tend to switch our attention to other channels or longer term projects. But if the dashboard highlights an influx of chats and we’re struggling to meet our First Response Time targets, we can quickly switch agents to ensure we’re maintaining our standards.
A less tangible, but very important use for this dashboard is to show the wider company how hard the team works at addressing our customers’ questions and problems. It’s a great morale boost when we get compliments from other teams.
What information is on this dashboard, and where does it come from?
This dashboard tells us instantly how busy our live chat is, and whether we have enough agents online to meet demand. It also gives us a rough idea of how our levels of service have been throughout the week.
All the metrics on this dashboard are pulled from our account. The ones we look at frequently throughout the day are Current Chat Queue and Current Wait Time. We’ve also added warnings to our visualizations that turn red if there’s a spike in chats, so we can take action immediately.
Next to that is the number of agents we have online, to give us a ballpark of whether we’re serving customers in an efficient way.
The client wanted to create an admin dashboard where admin will be able to create a new user for the application & can create channels for the different user-based requirement. They will be able to view the list of users and channels with the details like ID, channel name, participants list, created date, image, and description. Once an admin clicks on any channels list, he will be able to view the detailed description of that channel, make an edit of that particular channel, change avatar URL, edit data description and able to delete it.
We had to address the following tasks:
Client required a multi-support android, IOS, and JavaScript UI platform.
In order to enhance the user base, the client wanted us to build this complex multi-support dashboard with an effective user-friendly interface. Our developers at Value Coders had overcome these challenges with their innovative ideas and technical expertise.
Our expert team of developers understood the technical details of this project, reviewed other applications and started working on the necessary areas of this project at first. This application provides the following solutions to the clients:
Solution designing had been done with continued sessions with client so that during the development, efforts could be minimize Sprint wise development plan allowed us and client to review the development at each stage so that any bug can be fixed at that point only.
Feedback implementations of the client had been done at effective pace. As a final outcome, we delivered high performing, feature-rich and user-friendly online admin panel.
The panel had the following features-
Admin is able to view their user's list & status of users.
Admin can define the UI setting, chat settings and their push notifications format in which they want to view in their application Admin will come to the dashboard and he can discover various users in different categories and channels. He will be able to view the list of users and channels with the details like ID, channel name, participants list, created date, image, and description.
Once an admin clicks on any channels list, he will be able to view the detailed description of that channel, edit that particular channel, change avatar URL, edit data description and able to delete it. Admin is able to filter listing with accordance to need, the status of channels, filter particular channel name, make read-only, make it public or private, create a custom filter list and deactivate that channel.
When we joined the team, they already had a customer support platform. Our job was to create a customer-facing chat widget and the user interface for a support manager who operates live chats.
We used the best UX practices to design a clean and minimalistic chat widget. The visitor’s page shows the user's current status, their path on the website, when they were last seen, what country they come from, how many visits and chats they had previously, and what browser and device they used. The chat history contains the records of all conversations that happened in the live chats.
In the settings, customers can get an overview of their chat performance via comprehensive dashboards. Reports give managers a good understanding of the performance of their team and customer satisfaction. In the Templates users can select the layout for their campaigns from a number of common use cases such as sell products, make an announcement, and send a newsletter and so on. With ready-made themes that we designed users can create a great look for their email campaigns. A simple drag-and-drop editor helps users create custom emails. We also added the possibility to edit the HTML so users could customize their emails even more.
We improved the SMS campaign configuration design making it consistent with the email campaigns.
Despite the variety of features such as templates, tags, opt-out messages, file attachments, email previews, we made it look simple and minimalistic so the interface doesn't overwhelm the user and helps them get the job done quickly. We created an intuitive three-step SMS configuration flow similar to how it works with email campaigns.
Drag-and-drop tags help to personalize every message. Ready-made templates for various use cases that users create themselves speed up the process of launching SMS campaigns. If users want to include a file to their SMS we made it possible for them to preview how it will look in the message. As the last step in the SMS configuration, we created message preview using a Smartphone mockup to give a more realistic impression of the soon-to-be-launched campaign.
The Admin dashboard brings together all the platform's features under one user interface. We made it convenient so users could manage payments, agents, customers, products, and notifications with only a few clicks.
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