Hi , Hope you are doing well.
This post is focused on Cucumber testing tool. Let start with an introduction of cucumber.
What is Cucumber Framework?
Cucumber is a testing tool that supports Behavior Driven Development (BDD). It offers a way to write tests that anybody can understand, regardless of their technical knowledge. In BDD, users (business analysts, product owners) first write scenarios or acceptance tests that describe the behavior of the system from the customer’s perspective, for review and sign-off by the product owners before developers write their codes. Cucumber framework uses Ruby programming language.
Advantages of Cucumber
It is helpful to involve business stakeholders who can't easily read code
Cucumber Testing tool focuses on end-user experience
Style of writing tests allow for easier reuse of code in the tests
Quick and easy set up and execution
Cucumber test tool is an efficient tool for testing
Getting Started with Cucumber in Java
Here’s an example of a simple cucumber java tutorial. Create a Maven Project. You can read our guide here if you don’t know how to create one.
In your pom.xml, add the cucumber dependencies:
Then create the test resources folder in the src > test location.
Next, set up your Project Structure. Go to File > Project Structure > Modules. Expand the tree and select the created resources folder and click Test Resources icon.
Install the necessary plugins in IntelliJ. Go to File > Settings and select the Plugins section.
Cucumber for Java
Cucumber for Groovy (Optional)
Now we can create our feature file. Right-click the test resources folder, select New > File. You can name it anything but set the extension as .feature. For example, here is my string-palindrome.feature file:
Feature: Determine if String is Palindrome or not. A string is a palindrome if it reads the same backwards as forwards.
Scenario: Valid Palindrome
Given I entered string "Refer"
When I test it for Palindrome
Then the result should be "true"
Scenario: Invalid Palindrome
Given I entered string "Coin"
When I test it for Palindrome
Then the result should be "false"
Create a new package or folder under src/main/test/java by right-clicking the java folder and select New > Package.
Add any folder name and hit the OK button. This will be the package where all your step definitions will be saved.
Next, we will add the Step Definitions. You can quickly add it by placing the cursor on the yellow highlighted string and press ALT + ENTER in keyboard (This might be different if you’re using other key mappings in IntelliJ).
Browse or enter the package that we have created earlier, and select if you want to use Java or Groovy. Repeat this until you created all the needed step definitions or until there is no warning (yellow) mark in your feature file.
Add your logic for each step definition that was created.
For example, here’s the logic that we have added:
package com.codersarts.cucumber;
import cucumber.api.java.en.Given;
import cucumber.api.java.en.Then;
import cucumber.api.java.en.When;
import org.junit.Assert;
public class PalindromeStepDef {
private String testPalindrome;
private boolean isPalindrome;
@Given("I entered string {string}")
public void iEnteredString(String toTest) {
testPalindrome = toTest;
@When("I test it for Palindrome")
public void iTestItForPalindrome() {
isPalindrome = testPalindrome.equalsIgnoreCase(new StringBuilder(testPalindrome).reverse().toString());
@Then("the result should be {string}")
public void theResultShouldBe(String result) {
boolean expectedResult = Boolean.parseBoolean(result);
if (expectedResult) {
} else {
Finally, we can now run our feature file. Go to your feature file and right-click > Run Feature. This should start Cucumber and run your test.
How does Cucumber Testing Works?
Cucumber test cases are written parallel with the code development of software. These test cases are called step in a Gherkin Language.
Firstly, Cucumber tool reads the step written in a Gherkin or plain English text inside the feature file.
Now, it searches for the exact match of each step in the step definition file. When it finds its match, then executes the test case and provides the result as pass or fail.
The code of developed software must correspond with the BDD defined test scripts. If it does not, then code refactoring will be required. The code gets freeze only after successful execution of defined test scripts.
How Codersarts can help you in Cucumber tool?
Codersarts provide
Cucumber assignment help
Development Help
MentorShip from Experts
Error Resolving
If you are looking for any kind of help in Cucumber tool. Contact us for instant help.