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For this assignment, you are going to pretend that you work for a library and you wish to store information on the titles you have available.
In order to do this, you are going to create a database that stores the following information (all fields are required except for retail price):
Book title
Number of copies purchased
Number of copies not checked out
Retail price of the book

In addition, you should think about how you are going to uniquely identify each row.
Next, you are going to build a GUI-based application that allows you to:
Show all books
Add a book
Edit a book
Remove a book
When a user adds or edits a book, you must validate the input according to the following rules:
Book Author and must be comprised of letters only
Book Title can literally have anything in it
The ISBN number can only have numbers in it
Number of copies purchased must be an integer
Number of copies not checked out must be an integer
Retail price of the book must be a float value
Throwing a simple dialog box when something is amiss is fine. When a user wishes to remove a book, please have the user confirm the deletion of the book before removing it.
All adds, edits, deletes, etc. must be saved back to the database.
The rest of your implementation details are up to your discretion (including font, color, size, positioning, which widgets to use, etc.), applying the things you have learned about Python so far. Please note, however, that you must organize any classes\functions you create into modules and produce documentation (using Pydoc) for your work using the principles discussed earlier in the class.
Be sure to put comments in your code that clearly mark how you are performing your program logic. Please include an export of your database table with your submission. In the submission comments of this assignment, please place the repository URL of your file submission.