In this Blog we are learn complete Flask package, first we will install flask as per given instruction.

What is Falsk?
Flask is a microframework for creating web applications.
What are the Features of Flask?
Flask has many significant features which render it quite useful in programming. These may be:
Flask has its own development server and debugger.
It has the availability of extensions to enhance desired features.
It has integrated support for unit testing.
It has support for secure cookies (client-side sessions).
It is Unicode based and has extensive documentation.
It has RESTful request dispatching feature.
It uses Jinja2 tinplating feature also.
It is 100% compliant with WSGI version 1.0.
Topics Help For Flask
Creating The Folders, Database Schema, Application Setup Code,Creating The Database, Request Database Connections, The View Functions, Show Entries, Add New Entry, Login and Logout,Templates
Layout.html, show_entries.html, login.html, Adding Style, Testing the Application, Introduction to Flask framework, A Minimal Application, Debug Mode, Routing, Variable Rules, URL Building, HTTP Methods
Static Files, Rendering Templates, Accessing Request Data, Context Locals, The Request Object, File Uploads, Cookies,Redirects and Errors, About Responses, Sessions, Message Flashing, Logging, Hooking in WSGI Middlewares, Deploying to a Web Serve
Why You Need Professional Help in Flask?
Having various engagements other than academics, many students do not have enough time for their Flask assignment. This also needs professional Flask assignment help. The help is also needed if the students do not have enough writing skills for writing their assignments smart enough to impress the professors. Codersarts Assignment Help is here to help the students in their problems and provide them with excellent Codersarts Assignment Help services.
Most students avoid Python Flask assignment tasks as it’s time-consuming and difficult to get it perfect. But our Python Flask assignment assistance services at Codersarts Assignment Help is a fully customized assignment help service provided by highly skilled and experience Flask experts and writers.
Additional services include:
100% plagiarism free work is supplied along with plagiarism reports and content provided is totally error-free
We make sure that python assignments are fully referenced freely according to the norms of MLA, APA, and Harvard.
In addition, the cost charged for services is reasonable. We also offer special discounts and packages to our regular customers.
Also, revision and modification of work are done absolutely free of cost.
How to install Flask in Python 3.x version?
To install Flask, first we will have to install pip using following command if pip is not install previously.
Go to into your Python folder and start the pip installation of Flask python module.
C:\Python34>cd Scripts
C:\Python34\Scripts>pip install Flask
Downloading/unpacking Flask
Next Step:
Using python command shell you can test the Flask python module.
>>> from flask import Flask >>> app = Flask(__name__) >>> @app.route('/') ... def homepage(): ... return "Hi there, how ya doin?" ... >>> >>> if __name__ == "__main__": ... ... * Running on - - [26/Sep/2014 23:25:01] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [26/Sep/2014 23:25:02] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 -
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