Hi, Hope you are fit and fine. This post is focused on Gradle-A project management Tool.
Let start with simple introduction.
What is Gradle?
Gradle is a Groovy-based build management system designed specifically for building Java-based projects. Gradle is an open source build automation tool
Gradle offers an elastic model that can help the development lifecycle from compiling and packaging code for web and mobile applications. It provides support for the building, testing, and deploying software on different platforms.
It has been developed for building automation on many languages and platforms, including Java, Scala, Android, C / C ++, and Groovy. Gradle provides integration with several development tools and servers, including Eclipse, IntelliJ, Jenkins, and Android Studio.
Gradle Installation
Installed Java JDK or JRE (version 7 or higher for Gradle 3.x version)
Installation steps:
Download Gradle distribution from the official web site
Unpack the ZIP
Add the GRADLE_HOME environment variable. This variable should point to the unpacked files from the previous step.
Add GRADLE_HOME/bin to your PATH environment variable, so you can run Gradle from the command line interface (CLI)
Test your Gradle installation by typing gradle -v in the CLI. The output should contain the installed Gradle version and the current Gradle configuration details
First Program in Gradle
Gradle tasks can be written using Groovy code from inside a projects build.gradle file. These tasks can then be executed using > gradle [taskname] at the terminal or by executing the task from within an IDE such as Eclipse.
To create the Hello World example in gradle we must define a task that will print a string to the console using Groovy. We will use Groovy's printLn to call Java's System.out.printLn method to print the text to the console.
task hello {
doLast {
println 'Hello world!'
We can then execute this task by using > gradle hello or > gradle -q hello . The -q is used to suppress gradle log messages so that only the output of the task will be shown.
Output of > gradle -q hello :
> gradle -q hello
Hello world
This is the basic of Gradle.
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