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Heart Disease data set - classification

Updated: Nov 3, 2021

Description :

The heart disease dataset is available on kaggle and UCI Machine learning Repository. According to UCI, "This dataset contains 76 attributes, but all published experiments refer to using a subset of 14 of them. In particular, the Cleveland database is the only one that has been used by ML researchers to this date." We can use this dataset for classification, to predict whether patients have heart disease by giving some features of users.

Recommended Model :

Algorithms to be used, Logistic Regression, SVM, Naive Bayes, Random Forest, Neural network etc.

Recommended Projects :

To predict whether patients have heart disease by giving some features of users.

Dataset link

Overview of data

Detailed overview of dataset

  • Records in the dataset = 303ROWS

  • Columns in the dataset = 14 COLUMNS

  1. Age : -Patient’s age in year (continuous value)

  2. Sex : - Gender of Patient (1- male , 0- femae )

  3. CP : Chest Pain (1- typical angina, 2- atypical angina, 3 - non- angina pain, 4- asymptomatic)

  4. Trestbps : - Resting Blood Pressure (continuous value in mm/hg)

  5. Chol : - serum cholesterol in mg/dl (continuous value mg/dl)

  6. FBS :- Fasting Blood sugar

  7. Restege : Resting Electrographic result

  8. Thalach : -Maximum heart rate achieved (continuous value)

  9. Exang : Exercise induced angina

  10. Oldpeak : ST depression induced by exercise relative to rest

  11. Slope : the slope of the peak exercise ST segment

  12. Ca : number of major vessels coloured by fluoroscopy

  13. Thal : defect type

  14. Num : diagnosis of heart disease



import pandas as pd
# Load Data
file_loc = "data\\heart.csv"
heart_data = pd.read_csv(file_loc)

Total number of rows and columns

# Number of Rows and columns 
rows_col = heart_data.shape
print("Total number of Rows in the dataset : {}".format(rows_col[0]))
print("Total number of columns in the dataset : {}".format(rows_col[1]))

Check Details

# Data information

Check Missing values

# Missing Values

Statistical information

# Statistical information

Data Visualization


import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# correlation
corr = heart_data.corr()'coolwarm')


Count the heart patient

# 0 means no, 1 - yes
sns.countplot(x= "target",data=heart_data)


Count the number of male and female patient

# Gender Male and Female 
sns.countplot(x= "sex",data=heart_data)

Count plot of chest pain

# Chest pain
sns.countplot(x= "cp",data=heart_data)

chest pain count

count plot of fast blood pressure

# fasting blood pressure
sns.countplot(x= "fbs",data=heart_data)

fast blood pressure count

Count plot of Resting Electorgraphic result

# resting electrocardiographic results
sns.countplot(x= "restecg",data=heart_data)

Resting electrographic result count

Exercise induced angina count

# exercise induced angina 0 - no  1 - yes
sns.countplot(x= "exang",data=heart_data)

Exercise induced angina count

Count plot of thal

sns.countplot(x= "thal",data=heart_data)

Thal count

Histogram plot of age

# Histogram 

Age histogram

Other related data

If you need implementation for any of the topics mentioned above or assignment help on any of its variants, feel free to contact us.



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