React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces (UI).
It is used to develop the frontend of any website.
Everything in React is called Component.
It helps in developing modern frontends which are more powerful, efficient, and fast.
React is designed from the start for gradual adoption, you can use as little or as much React as you need. Whether you want to create a small project, add some interactivity to a simple HTML page, or start a complex React-powered app.
Now let’s learn more about react by creating a project using react.
Step 1:- Installing Node Js
First, you should have Node Js installed on your system to create a react project which you can get by https://nodejs.org/en/
Step 2:- check everything is installed correctly
After installing node you can check that it is installed or not by using the command
Node -v

Now there should be npm installed on your system which comes along with Node js. Check that npm is installed or not by using the command
npm -v

NPM stands for Node Package manager:- It manages all the packages that you will install using npm command.
Now there should be npx installed on your system which also comes along with Node js. Check that npx is installed or not by using the command
npx -v

NPX stands for npm package runner:- npx is a npm package runner (where x stands for eXecute). This is used to run the packages that are on npm registry.
Step 3:- Installing create-react-app
Now we can install create-react-app using npx. As the name describes itself it is used to create react apps.
Command to install create-react-app
npm install create-react-app

Step 4:- Creating first react app
Now once create-react-app is installed
We are ready to create our first react app
Command to create a fresh react app
npx create-react-app your-app-name

NOTE:- While creating a react app no capital letters are allowed, only small letters and numbers and - is allowed for the name of the app.
After all packages are installed you will see

Step 5:- Running our React app
Now would be wondering what npx create-react-app my-app command has done?
It has created a reactjs template project which can be modified.
It has also initialized a git repo for your project.
Now go to the folder demo-app (YOUR APP NAME)
Just run npm start

It will automatically start the development server on localhost port 3000
The template looks like this

There are more commands for react like one is
npm run build:- It is used to build a production react app
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