Problem Statement
In this project, you will implement a parts-of-speech (POS) tagger using two methods, Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). The dataset for this work is the Universal Dependency POS dataset that contains annotations with two different sets of tags, UD and Penn Treebank. You should use Penn Treebank for your task.
1. In this part, you will implement a Viterbi decoding algorithm for a generative HMM. Evaluate your model on test and validation datasets, and report accuracy, precision, recall, and F-measure. You can only use basic python and numpy libraries for this part.
Codes for downloading and preprocessing data:
import torch
import torchtext
import as data
# set up fields
text = data. Field(lower=True)
ud_tags = data.Field (unk_token = None)
ptb_tags = data. Field(unk_token = None)
fields = [('text', text), ('ud_tags', ud_tags), ('ptb_tags',ptb_tags)]
# make splits for data
train, val, test = torchtext.datasets. UDPOS. splits (fields)
# You can access tokens/tags by index
print('text', train.examples [0].text)
print('penn tags', train.examples [0].ptb_tags)
# Alternately, you can iterate over the object
for sample in train:
print('text', sample.text, 'penn tags', sample.ptb_tags)
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