Managing IT help desk operations efficiently is crucial for companies with a large IT function. To address hardware and software problems promptly and effectively, an IT Help Desk Database System is essential. This system enables the logging and tracking of helpdesk queries, providing insights into overall equipment performance, resource allocation, and training needs. At CodersArts, we specialize in developing advanced database systems using the principles of the relational database model, data integrity, and functional dependency. We can help design and implement a robust IT Help Desk Database System that streamlines your help desk operations and enhances your IT support services.
Database Systems Assessment
In this assessment, we evaluate your understanding of the relational database model, data design principles, and query language usage. By applying our knowledge and expertise in database systems, we aim to provide appropriate solutions tailored to your logical data design problems. Leveraging commercially available DBMS software, such as ORACLE SQL, we can perform data manipulation and information retrieval operations efficiently.
Help Desk Scenario
Suppose Your company requires an IT Helpdesk system to address hardware and software issues related to IT systems. The Helpdesk serves as a central point of contact for all employees encountering problems, and specialists handle complex issues that cannot be resolved immediately. An Information System is needed to log and track helpdesk queries, enabling performance analysis, resource allocation assessment, and identification of training requirements.
Proposed System Operation
When a new call is received by the helpdesk, relevant information such as the caller's name, helpdesk operator, call time, computer serial number, operating system, and software details are logged. The caller's information is cross-referenced with the personnel register to retrieve their ID number, job title, and department. Equipment information is checked against the equipment register to determine the equipment type and make. The system also verifies the software's valid license.
Each call is assigned a unique problem number, which is provided to the caller for future reference. The helpdesk operator records detailed notes and descriptions of the problem, including the reason for the call. The operator also assigns a problem type to categorize the issue, selecting it from a list of predefined problem types. The problem type may be refined or altered later based on additional information.
The system allows help desk operators to access previous problems of the same type, related equipment, or the same caller to gain insights into resolution strategies. If the problem cannot be resolved immediately, the system assists the operator in identifying the appropriate specialist to whom the problem should be referred. Specialists are categorized based on their expertise in specific problem types. The system also considers the workload of each specialist and allocates the problem to the least loaded specialist when multiple specialists are available for a problem type.
Once a problem is resolved, the helpdesk operator or specialist records the resolution date, time, method, and the time taken to resolve the problem.
Database Design (Part 1) Task 1
Entity Relationship Diagram To represent the data requirements of the Help Desk scenario, we will create a conceptual data model. This model includes an Entity Relationship (E-R) diagram, indicating the relationships between entities and their associated attributes. We will list the attributes associated with each entity type and include any assumptions made during the design process.
Task 2
Relational Schema Using the conceptual data model, we will develop a relational schema that defines the domains, relations, primary keys, foreign keys, and constraints. The relational schema represents the entity and relationship types identified in the Help Desk scenario. We will ensure proper data integrity and design appropriate relationships between the tables.
Database Implementation and Testing (Part 2) Task 3
Database Implementation We will use the design from Part 1 to implement the Help Desk database using Oracle DBMS. SQL statements will be utilized to create tables, insert data, and define constraints. We will document all the SQL statements, including the CREATE and INSERT statements, in a text file or Word document for submission.
Task 4:
Database Test To ensure the correctness and functionality of the implemented database, we will perform various tests and answer specific questions. SQL statements will be developed to address the following functionalities:
Select Queries:
List the details of equipment and associated software.
Produce a list of experts (support staff) for a given problem area.
Produce a list of all unresolved problems with the assigned specialist.
Produce a list of problems reported by a specific staff member, including details of the support staff and the provided solution.
Find the average time taken to fix a fault for a given problem area.
Display a list of the most common problems, ordered by frequency of occurrence.
Display the equipment with the highest number of reported problems, including problem details.
Produce a list of problems solved by helpdesk operators.
Update and Delete Queries:
Add a new specialist to the database.
Assign a specialist to an unresolved problem, ensuring a suitable match.
Update the Call-log with appropriate details when a problem is resolved.
Delete an item of equipment from the database if it has become redundant.
We will document each SQL statement along with the query results or system messages in a word-processed submission document.
If you require assistance in designing and implementing an IT Help Desk Database System, our team at CodersArts is ready to support you. We possess advanced expertise in database systems, and our solutions are tailored to optimize your help desk operations. Contact us via email or through our website to revolutionize your IT support services and benefit from our reliable and efficient database solutions.
