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Need this assignment done in Java Enterprise Eclipse with JDK11. Please make sure to use the technologies as Springboot, Thymeleaf, Lombok, H2 Database and Spring Data JDBC. For reference please see the attached project and follow same techniques as used in that project. I do need code for all the classes under different packages like beans package, database package with Database Access and Database Config classes, controller package with controller class, html class which should be under recourse folder and under template the html class code, sql class, application properties code. Also I do need the all the screenshots as well of the actual web page.
Java Enterprise Assignment Requirement sample
Part 1
Begin with a POJO (beans project)a for each review and consider things you’d like to store. I might suggest the Restaurant name or some id number for it, the review itself as a String, and also possibly the date and time the review was written. No user names or personal credentials are necessary for now. Create a database table for your reviews using SQL in a reviews_schema.sql file for an H2 database which follows the structure of your POJO. Use the reviews_data.sql file to also hard-code at least three reviews for your favourite local restaurants (use SQL to populate the database table with at least three reviews)!
Part 2
Create a Controller which can dispatch to a form where the reviews are displayed. You need a method which can handle HTTP GET request to “/”, as well as one for POST requests with form data. In your “/”mapped method, grab all possible restaurant reviews using a JDBC template and query you create, then add them to the model. Additionally, add a blank Review to your Model for Form Model binding in Thymeleaf.
In your POST Mapped method, retrieve all the submitted form parameters as a @ModelAttrbiute annotation and pre-populated POJO. Add the Review POJO info to your H2 database using a JDBC Template query. Then, retrieve all restaurant reviews thus far with your JDBC Template query again and add them to the Model. Add a blank Review to your Model for Form Binding back at Thymeleaf again.
Part 3
Create a Thymeleafpage or pages which display your dynamic Review content! Display all Review content for every review in a nicely formatted and styled fashion. Points for style here! Additionally, add a form which is bound to your blank Review from the Model to make it easy to retrieve the next review at our server side! This form is to add another review to our database. Style the page(s)! Again, points for style!
Things to consider
Think about the POJO properties you need in this application, along with how POJO might possibly be related to each other if you use more than one.
For the purposes of this application, no functionality for keeping reviews around in a more persistent state is wanted or required. They should all disappear, not counting anything you’ve hard coded in .sql files, with each restart.
There can be any number of reviews for a particular restaurant stored in the database.
Ensure you pre-populate the database with a set of reviews for display so your users aren’t lonely!Few folks want to be the first to post in a blank forum!
You must use JDBC Template technology with SQL for database queries.
You must use anH2 database for storage.
Your view pages must use Thymeleaf, and they must look great! Most hackathons are won by the best “looking” idea, rather than the actual best idea! Spend the time!
Export the completed eclipse project. Name your project A2. Please use regular ZIP to combine and compress your project’s directory from inside your workspace folder. DO NOT RAR or 7-Zip your project for submission!RAR’s often come with viruses.
Also, submit the screenshot of the created by you web page that shows all stored in the database reviews as well as the form that allows to add another review to the database. Upload this screenshot separately from the exported zip of the eclipse project you completed.
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