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JSF Assignment Help

Updated: Oct 21, 2021

Hi,Hope you are doing well.

This post is focused on JSF. Let Start with short introduction of JSF.

What is JSF?

JSF stands for Java Server Faces.

It is a server-side Java framework for web development.

It is used to develop web applications. It provides a well-defined programming model and consists of rich API and tag libraries.

JSF consists of 2 major components:

  1. Java Facets: Server side files which acts as a controller to redirect the client request to the correct JSF web page.

  2. JSF tags: In addition to allowing server side scripting into the webpage, JSF also provides custom tags to perform certain operations like iterations or condition check easily.

Benefits of JavaServer Faces

Some benefit of JSF are:

  1. It provides clean and clear separation between behavior and presentation of web application. You can write business logic and user interface separately.

  2. JavaServer Faces API?s are layered directly on top of the Servlet API. Which enables several various application use cases, such as using different presentation technologies, creating your own custom components directly from the component classes.

  3. Including of Facelets technology in JavaServer Faces 2.0, provides massive advantages to it. Facelets is now the preferred presentation technology for building JavaServer Faces based web applications.

Features of JSF :

JSF provides the following features.

  • Component Based Framework

  • Implements Facelets Technology

  • Integration with Expression Language

  • Support HTML5

  • Ease and Rapid web Development.

  • Support Internationalization

  • Bean Annotations

  • Default Exception Handling

  • Templating

  • Inbuilt AJAX Support

  • Security

Create JSF based Dynamic Web Project

1. Prerequisites

The examples that follow are created using the below tool set:

  • Maven v4.0

  • Eclipse Java EE IDE

  • Apache Tomcat 9.0

  • JDK v7 or later

  • JSF 2.0

In order to setup the project for performing JSF 2.0 related tasks, start with creating a Maven WebApp project by following the steps shown below.

  1. In Eclipse, Navigate to File -> New -> Maven Project

  2. Select the workspace or choose to use the default workspace and click next New Maven Project with default workspace

  3. In the Archetype selection, select maven-archetype-webapp

  4. Provide the Group ID and Artifact ID of your choice and proceed

These steps will create a simple web project with a default index.jsp file in it. Once the project is created, bind the Apache Tomcat server to the project. Once this configuration is done, test run the project by right clicking the file index.jsp and navigating to Run as -> Run on Server. Select Apache Tomcat server and click finish.

The next step is to add the Maven dependencies for JSF 2.0 into the project.

Add the following dependencies in the pom.xml to enable support for the JSF 2.0 features.


<!-- Required for JSTL tags to be used in JSF -->

Once the dependencies are added into the pom.xml save the project and allow some time for downloading the dependencies.

Some Common Tasks in JSF :

  1. Employee Management System

  2. Library management System

  3. Any Web Projects

How CodersArts can help you in JSF?

CodersArts Provides

  • JSF Assignment Help

  • Error Resolving in JSF

  • JSF Development Help

  • JSF Mentorship from Experts

This post is ended. I cover all basic information of JSF.

If you are looking for any kind of Help in JSF .Contact Us.


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