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JSP & Servlet Project Ideas for final year

Updated: Sep 22, 2021

1. Online Banking Project

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Secure access of confidential data (user’s details). SSL can be used.

  2. 24 X 7 availability

  3. Browser testing and support for IE, NN, Mozilla, and Firefox

  4. Reports exportable in .XLS, .PDF

  5. Create a detailed UML diagram (Component, Sequence, Class) for the system and its sub-components

User Interface Priorities

  1. Professional look and feel

  2. Use of AJAX at least with all registration forms and with every search option and at the id of each searched result with mouseover event.

Tools to be used

  1. Use any IDE to develop the project. It may be Myeclipse / Eclipse / Netbeans.

  2. Oracle 10g for the database.

  3. Server: Apache Tomcat/JBoss/Glassfish/Weblogic/Websphere.

Front End and Back End

  1. Front End: JSP, JDBC, Javascript, AJAX

  2. Back End: Oracle

How does the project work?

To get a detailed explanation about the project download the document file. It includes snapshots with explanations.

Software Requirement to run this project

  1. You need to install an IDE Eclipse / Myeclipse / Netbeans.

  2. Oracle 10g database. Here, we are using the system for the username and oracle for the password.

2 eLibrary Project in Servlet

Objective/ Vision

A library management software where admin can add/view/delete librarian and librarian can add/viewbooks, issue, view issued books, and return books.

Users of the System

  1. Admin

  2. Librarian

Functional Requirements

1. Admin

  1. Can add/edit/view/delete librarian

  2. Can logout

2. Librarian

  1. Can add/edit/delete/view books

  2. Can issue books

  3. View issued books

  4. Return Books

  5. Can logout

Tools to be used

  1. Use any IDE to develop the project. It may be Eclipse /Myeclipse / Netbeans etc.

  2. Oracle/MySQL for the database

Front End and Back End

  1. Front End: Servlet, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

  2. Back End: Oracle

How does the project work?

To get a detailed explanation about the project download the document file. It includes snapshots with explanations.

3. Online Quiz Project

Objective/ Vision

It provides a common platform to connect student and teacher online. The registered teacher can create Quiz and student can take quiz and can asses himself/herself.

Users of the System

  1. Teacher

  2. Student

Functional Requirements

1. Teacher

  1. Can create quiz after getting logged in!

  2. Can enter subjects and enter question with it's options and answer at the time of creating quiz.

  3. 10 Question for each quiz required to be completed.

2. Student

  1. Can search quiz according to their interest.

  2. Click on the id of quiz and ready to start it just clicking on a button.

  3. After completing all questions, result will be diaplayed Automatically.

  4. Can view the description about each and every question in the respective quiz.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Secure access of confidential data (user's details). SSL can be used.

  2. 24 X 7 availability

  3. Browser testing and support for IE, NN, Mozilla, and Firefox

  4. Reports exportable in .XLS, .PDF

  5. Create a detailed UML diagram (Component, Sequence, Class) for the system and its sub-components

User Interface Priorities

  1. Professional look and feel

  2. Use of AJAX at least with all registration forms and with every search option and at the id of each searched result with on mouseover event.

Tools to be used

  1. Use any IDE to develop the project. It may be Myeclipse / Eclipse / Netbeanse.

  2. Oracle 10g for the database.

  3. Server: Apache Tomcat/JBoss/Glassfish/Weblogic/Websphere.

Front End and Back End

  1. Front End: JSP, JDBC, Javascript, AJAX

  2. Back End: Oracle

How does the project work?

To get a detailed explanation about the project download the document file. It includes snapshots with explanations.

Software Requirement to run this project

  1. You need to install an IDE Eclipse / Myeclipse / Netbeans.

  2. Oracle 10g database. Here, we are using the system for the username and oracle for the password.

Hot to run this project

Import the project on the IDE and run it. All the tables will be created automatically.

4. Transport Company Project

Objective/ Vision

It maintains the information about the vehicle installed in a transport company with sufficient detail of vehicle's owner, contact no. and Insurance detail and all the available transport services provided by the company.

Users of the System

  1. Admin

  2. Manager of each branch

  3. Normal visitors

Functional Requirements

1. Admin

  1. Can create the manager for various branches and can also maintain the information of each manager such as date of joining, salary, personal detail, etc. after getting logged in!

  2. Can install new truck with required information

  3. Can search the truck whenever required and can view the recently installed truck.

  4. Can change the status of a truck in some kind of emergency condition

  5. Can view the detail of persons who has tried to contact him

2. Manager

  1. Can view the recently installed trucks and can change the status of a truck in some kind of emergency condition

  2. Can determine how many trucks are related to his or her branch.

  3. Can compare his output to others branches output in services link.

  4. 4. Can contact to the admin of a company when needed.

3. Normal Visitor

  1. Can view the recently installed trucks

  2. Can check out our services.

  3. Can contact the admin in case of any query.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Secure access of confidential data (user’s details). SSL can be used.

  2. 24 X 7 availability

  3. Browser testing and support for IE, NN, Mozila, and Firefox

  4. Reports exportable in .XLS, .PDF

  5. Create a detailed UML diagram (Component,Sequence, Class) for the system and its sub-components

User Interface Priorities

  1. Professional look and feel

  2. Use of AJAX atleast with all registration forms and with every search option and at the id of each searched result with onmouseover event.

Tools and Technologies to be used

  1. Use any IDE to develop the project. It may be Myeclipse / Eclipse / Netbeanse.

  2. Oracle 10g for the database.

  3. Apache Tomcat for the server.

How project works?

To get detail explanation about project download the document file. It includes snapshots with explanation.

Software Requirement to run this project

  1. You need to install an IDE Eclipse / Myeclipse / Netbeans.

  2. Oracle 10g database. Here, we are using the system for the username and oracle for the password.

Hot to run this project

Import the project on the IDE and run it. All the tables will be created automatically.

5. Company Mailer Servlet Project

Objective/ Vision

A mailer application for a company that can be used by the employees of the company only. It can be run on the internet. Each user can send mails, receive mails and delete mails after getting logged in!

Users of the System

  1. User

  2. Admin

Functional Requirements

1. User

  1. Can register

  2. Can login and logout

  3. Can send mails

  4. Can see inbox

  5. Can see sent mails

  6. Can see trash

  7. Can search other employees email id

  8. Can view and update profile

2. Admin

  1. Can unauthorize the user

  2. can see current logged in members

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Secure access of confidential data (user’s details). SSL can be used.

  2. 24 X 7 availability

  3. Browser testing and support for IE, NN andMozila Firefox

  4. Reports exportable in .XLS, .PDF

  5. Create a detailed UML diagram (Component, Sequence, Class) for the system and its sub-components

User Interface Priorities

  1. Professional look and feel

  2. Use of AJAX at least with all registration forms and with every search option and at the id of each searched result with onmouseover event.

Tools to be used

  1. Use any IDE to develop the project. It may be Myeclipse / Eclipse / Netbeans.

  2. Oracle 10g for the database.

  3. Server: Apache Tomcat/JBoss/Glassfish/Weblogic/Websphere.

Front End and Back End

  1. Front End: Servlet, HTML, CSS

  2. Back End: Oracle

How project works?

To get detail explanation about project download the document file. It includes snapshots with explanation.

Software Requirement to run this project

  1. You need to install an IDE Eclipse / Myeclipse / Netbeans.

  2. Oracle 10g database. Here, we are using system for the username and oracle for the password.


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