Java project work:
You are tasked to develop a Java program to simulate a mini Student Management System.
Task 1: Write a Java class Module (or similar class) to represent a module object, you should have instance variables to store the module code, module name, credit unit and the marks of a student.
Add a constructor, appropriate get or set methods, or any other methods to the class if necessary.
Task 2: Write a Java class Student (or similar class) to represent a student object, you should have instance variables to store the course, admin number, name, gpa and the Modules taken by a student. Kindly take note that a student will take more than one module.
Add a constructor, appropriate get or set methods, or any other methods to the class if necessary.
Task 3: Write a Java class StudentManagement (or similar class) to manage the students. The class should have methods that will be invoked by the main method such as to create students, display students, search student, search module, print Statistic, …., etc. In this class, please create at least 3 Student objects and store in an array.
Task 4: Write a Java class StudentUser (or similar class) that contains the main() method for the entire application. The main() method is where your program will start to run. It displays the menu and calls the methods in StudentManagement class accordingly.
Note: You can implement a User Interface (UI) program. For the purpose of This project you should be using the dialogs available from the JOptionPane class.
Overview of the system :
The example below shows an example of the student management system that allows users to display, search and print statistic:

Figure 1: The program displays the menu and allows the user to enter his option. You should validate the user input. If the input is invalid, it displays an error message and prompts the user to re-enter.

Figure 2: If the user selects option 1, the program displays all students’ details. A student’s details should include the course, admin number, name of the student and the modules taken by the student. The info of the modules should include module code, module name, credit units and the marks the student gets.

Figure 3: If the user chooses to search a student, the program prompts the user to enter the name of student to search and displays the result accordingly. It should display the course, admin number, name of the student, the modules taken by the student, and the student’s GPA result.

Figure 4: If the user chooses to search a module, the program prompts the user to enter the module name to search, and displays the result accordingly. If there are student(s) taking the module, it displays the number of students taking the module and the average marks of all students taking this module.

Figure 5: If the user chooses to exit the program, it displays a thank you message and terminates the program.
Overall Working :
Here you can see a video which will explain the functionality of whole program
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