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Nodejs BMI Calculator Coding Challenge I Sample Assignment

Problem Statement

Given the following JSON data

[{"Gender": "Male", "HeightCm": 171, "WeightKg": 96 }, { "Gender": "Male", "HeightCm": 161, "WeightKg": 85 }, { "Gender": "Male", "HeightCm": 180, "WeightKg": 77 }, { "Gender": "Female", "HeightCm": 166,"WeightKg": 62}, {"Gender": "Female", "HeightCm": 150, "WeightKg": 70}, {"Gender": "Female","HeightCm": 167, "WeightKg": 82} 

as the input with weight and height parameters of a person, we have to perform the following:

  1. Calculate the BMI (Body Mass Index) using Formula 1, BMI Category, and Health risk from Table 1 of the person and add them as 3 new columns

  2. Count the total number of overweight people using ranges in the column BMI Category of Table 1, check this is consistent programmatically, and add any other observations in the documentation

  3. Create build, tests to make sure the code is working as expected and this can be added to an automation build/test/deployment pipeline

Formula 1 - BMI

BMI(kg/m ) = mass(kg) / height(m)

The BMI (Body Mass Index) in (kg/m2 ) is equal to the weight in kilograms (kg) divided

by your height in meters squared (m)2. For example, if you are 175cm

(1.75m) in height and 75kg in weight, you can calculate your BMI as follows: 75kg /

(1.75m2) = 24.49kg/m2

Table 1 - BMI Category and the Health Risk

BMI Category

Underweight, Normal weight, Overweight, Moderately obese, Severely obese, Very

severely obese Challenge

BMI Range (kg/m2)

18.4 and below

18.5 - 24.9

25 - 29.9

30 - 34.9

35 - 39.9

40 and above

Health risk

1) Write a solid production-grade typescript/javascript Program to solve this

problem, imagine this will be used in-product for 1 Lac patients. We are only interested

in a standalone backend application, we are NOT expecting a UI, webpage, frontend,

Mobile App, microsite, etc. We want to see what optimal solution you come up with to

scale for larger JSON data and perform calculations quickly and write the output

efficiently. Feel free to explore and use the standard node libraries or any open-source

node modules

2) Automate the setup, build, test, package, and run using your favorite tools

3) Check in the documentation, configuration, code, and tests into Github

Requirements :

● 25% Working code and node/typescript/javascript Programming Knowledge and clean code, reuse

● 25% Problem Analysis and Solution Approach

● 25% Build and Test Automation Approach

● 25% Originality, we deduct marks or reject any projects with directly copied or plagiarized code

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