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Online Shopping Application-Spring Boot Project Help


In the digital world, online shopping has become a bridge in our lives, offering a convenient and efficient way to browse, select and purchase a wide range of products. With this online shopping application, you can explore different types of products, save in a cart, and buy products using internet banking, debit card, credit card or cash on delivery. In this project, we are creating Rest API by using Spring boot which helps to save data. Using spring boot and spring security we also authenticate and authorize the user.

Steps to Create an Application

  1. Create a New Spring Boot Project: Open IDE and create a spring boot project or go to the spring initializer ( website. Select the necessary dependencies like Spring Web, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, etc.

  2. Define the Data model: Define the relationship and entities. Create Java Classes representing these entities and annotate them with JPA annotations (e.g., @Entity,@Table,@OneToMany,@ManyToOne) to define the database schema.

  3. Implement Data Access Layer: Create repository interfaces by extending the JPA Repository interface will provide the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for entities.

  4. Build the Service Layer: Create the service classes to implement business logic. Implement methods for handling user registration, product management, and shopping cart functionality, order processing, etc. These services will interact with the data access layer.

  5. Develop RESTful APIs: Create RESTful APIs using Spring Web to expose the functionality of online shopping applications. Define request mappings, handle HTTP requests, and return responses. Use annotations like @RestController, @RequestMapping, @GetMapping, @PostMapping, etc.

  6. Implement User Authentication and Authorization: Secure application by integrating Spring Security. Utilize features like password encodings, role-based access, and session management.

These are steps to create a spring boot application for online shopping. You can implement additional features such as product search, payment integration, user review and more.

Our Solutions

At CodersArts, we have developed a solution for online shopping applications. Using this application we can enhance the application with all required things like adding products, adding users, removing users, blocking users, manage orders.

If you want to implement this project in your shopping process like Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, etc. codersarts will assist you. With our expertise in Spring Boot and Java, we help you in the online shopping application to enhance your project or application. Do not hesitate to contact us via email or through our website. Our team is dedicated to understanding and meeting your specific needs


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