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Are you looking for help in OpenCV Assignment Help? Are you looking for an expert who can help in your assignment? We have an expert team of Data science professionals who would be available to work on OpenCV Assignment. Our team will understand the requirements and will complete the assignment flawlessly and plagiarism free. Our expert will assure you that you will provide the best solutions for your assignment. Our OpenCV Assignment help experts will write the assignment according to the requirement given by the professor and by thoroughly following the university guidelines. Our expert will help you secure A+ grades in the examination. We will complete the assignment before the timeline with the best solution. Our OpenCV Assignment help will provide the proper guidance.
What is OpenCV ?
OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is a library of programming functions mainly aimed at real-time computer vision. The library is cross platform and free for use under the open source apache licence. Starting in 2011, OpenCV features GPU acceleration for real-time operations.
OpenCV Application
Object detection
Facial recognition
2D and 3D feature toolkits
Gesture recognition
Human computer interaction(HCI)
Mobile robotics
Motion understanding
Image segmentation and recognition
stereo vision: depth perception from 2 cameras
Structure from motion (SFM)
motion recognition
Augmented reality
Image processing task OpenCV
Image recognition
Object detection
face recognition
Image translation
Automated inspection ans surveillance
Number of people count in image or video
Vehicle counting on highways along with their speeds
Interactive art installations
Anomaly detection in the manufacturing process
Street view image stitching
video/image search and retrieval
Robot and driver less car navigation and control
Object recognition
Medical image analysis
How Codersarts can Help you in OpenCV?
Codersarts provide:
OpenCV Assignment help
OpenCV Project Help
Mentorship in OpenCV from Experts
OpenCV Development Project
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