PHP Web Assignment Help
PHP is a server-side scripting language. The founder of PHP is “Rasmus Lerdorf”, at the beginning it is called a personal home page tool but, from the PHP version 3, it stands for PHP: Hypertext Pre-processor, It is used in a most familiar web application like Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo, Etsy, and Flicker use PHP.
PHP Programming Help for Students
We are offering the PHP Assignment for students can include questions based on the OOPs concepts in PHP, Database Management in PHP, Session, Cookies, Real-Time applications, and basic knowledge of at least one framework of PHP.
Important Topics In Which We Are Offering PHP Assignment Help
PHP Language consists of various concepts like any other programming language used to create web applications. Now need to learn about PHP before starting any project, below the important topics covered by our expert if you need any help related to below-given topics then we will ready to help.
Introduction to PHP
What is PHP: installation and setup
PHP echo
PHP print
Variables and constants in PHP
Rules to define variables and constants in PHP
Types of variables: local, global and static
Magic constants in PHP
Data types in PHP
Scalar types
Compound types
Special types
Operators in PHP
Arithmetic Operators
Comparison Operators
Bitwise Operators
Logical Operators
Incrementing/Decrementing Operators
Array Operators
Type Operators
Execution Operators
Error Control Operators
Assignment Operators
Control statements in PHP
If-else statement
Switch case
Loops in PHP
For loop
For each loop
Do-while loops
Arrays in PHP
Indexed arrays
Associative arrays
Multidimensional arrays
Array Functions in PHP
Strings in PHP
String functions
User-defined functions in PHP
Call by value and call by reference in PHP
Default and variable arguments in PHP
Recursive functions
Web concepts in PHP
Session management
File handling in PHP
Uploading and downloading files
Various operations on files: appending, reading, writing, deleting
Feel free to contact us and take the advantages of PHP Web assignment help services offered by us. We are the best assignment writing service provider and to solve all your academic worries. You can easily connect with us through phone, e-mail, or live chat. You can contact us anytime; our experts are always available for your help. Besides this, We will also provide CONSULTANCY for your app for FREE!
so, if you are still reading this and have an app idea, drop us a message, we can surely talk and discuss your project and get things done!. You are just one step away to get it done.