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Power BI Visualizations (Part I)

Updated: Nov 23, 2021

In the previous blog, we discussed Power BI. Now we will see all the types of visualization in Power BI, How to visualize charts, how to create reports, all these things. In this blog we will see about Stacked bar chart, line chart, Area chart, Funnel, Ribbon chart, waterfall chart, scatter chart, donut chart, Treemap and pie chart. So let's Start.

Power BI

Power BI is the most powerful data visualization tool. It will help you to understand the data with the help of data visualization and tables. It is useful to grow your business.

Creating Reports and Chart

We can change page information. To give the name of the page just write on the text box as shown in the below screenshot.

We can select the page size from here.

You can change the page background color, add images and change the transparency level.

Add Text Box

You can add the text box by clicking the Text box. You can also change font size, font color, Bold, italic etc. You can also add the Title for text box, background, Lock aspect, Border, shadow and visual header.

As shown in the below screenshot, we can choose any chart from the Visualization tool box.There is a format option is also available to change the format of page or chart.

Stacked Bar Chart Profit by Sub-Category

  • Add Line chart into power BI report page

  • Axis -Month

  • Values - Profit

Now Here we are creating the stacked bar chart profit by Sub-category. To create a stacked bar chart of profit by sub-category just click on stacked bar chart icon. After clicking on the stacked bar chart icon one blank stacked bar chart will appear on the screen. We drag Sub-Category on axis and Profit on the values, Or you can just click on mark box it will automatically add in the axis and values.

stacked bar chart

Now to make the chart background color the same as the page color you need to turn off the background color.

We will make changes in the format of the chart. We will change the font color of title, x-axis, y-axis of the chart So that we can easily understand and read the information visible in the chart.

format setting of chart

Stacked Bar Chart Profit by Sub-Category

After making the changes

stacked bar chart

Line Chart Profit By Month

Line chart is used to visualize the value of something overtime. Here we Draw the line chart of Profit by month. For that we select the line chart from the visualization tool, then drag the month column in axis and profit in values. After successfully plotting the chart, change the format of chart in the same way as it was changed for previous chart.

stacked bar chart and line chart

Area chart of Sales by Month and Sub-Category

Now here, we will plot the area chart Sales by Month and sub-category. Area charts represent the graphically quantitative data. For that we choose the area chart from the visualization tool, after that drag month on axis, sales on values and sub-category on Legends as shown in the screenshot. then go to the format, make sure the Legend and series label option is turned on else it won't be visible in the chart. Also make changes like font color, background color, font size etc to clearly visible information in the chart.

  • Add Area chart into power BI report page

  • Axis -Month

  • Legend - Sub-Category

  • Values - Sales

Formatting Area chart -

  • General - It allows you to set X-axis and Y-axis . width and height chart.

  • Legend - set the font color, size, font family

  • X-Axis - set the font color, size and font family

  • Title - set the title name for Ribbon chart and set the font color

  • Data colors - you can change the colors used for each series in the chart.

  • Data labels - You can turn On/Off the data labels. Its enable the values for each category on chart & we can set the Position, unit and orientation of labels.

  • Background - You can set the background color of chart.

area chart

Ribbon Chart Sales By Region and year

  • Add Ribbon chart into power BI report page

  • Axis -Region

  • Legend year from Order date

  • Values - Sales

Formatting Ribbon chart -

  • General - It allows you to set X-axis and Y-axis . width and height chart.

  • Legend - set the font color, size, font family

  • X-Axis - set the font color, size and font family

  • Title - set the title name for Ribbon chart and set the font color

  • Data colors - you can change the colors used for each series in the chart.

  • Data labels - You can turn On/Off the data labels. Its enable the values for each category on chart & we can set the Position, unit and orientation of labels.

  • Background - You can set the background color of chart.

ribbon chart

Ribbon chart is used to discover the which data category has the highest rank. As you can see in the screenshot for year 2016 South region sale is 1,03,845.84 and West region sale for 2016 is 1,47,883.84.

Ribbon chart

Waterfall Chart Profit By Month

  • Add waterfall chart into power BI report page

  • Category - Month

  • Values - Profit

Formatting Waterfall chart -

  • General - It allows you to set X-axis and Y-axis . width and height chart.

  • Legend - set the font color, size, font family

  • X-Axis - set the font color, size and font family

  • Y-Axis - set the font color, size and font family

  • Title - set the title name for Waterfall chart and set the font color

  • Data colors - you can change the colors used for each series in the chart.

  • Data labels - You can turn On/Off the data labels. Its enable the values for each category on chart & we can set the Position, unit and orientation of labels.

  • Background - You can set the background color of chart.

It shows running total values are added or subtracted.

Waterfall chart

Funnel Chart Profit by Region

Funnel charts help us to visualize the linear process that has sequential connected stages. We will plot funnel chart profit by Region. For that we add the funnel chart in the power BI report, then select region as a Group and values as a profit.

  • Group - Region

  • Values - Profit

Formatting Funnel chart -

Category - In this chart Category is Region west, East, South and center. set the font color and size.

Data color - Here we set the data color as red as shown in the screenshot.

Data labels - It shows the data values for each category. We can set the font color and size.

Conversion rate label - It shows the conversion rate in the chart.

Background - you can set the background color for chart or make it turn off

Scatter Chart Sales and Profit by subcategory and category

In this chart we show the relationship between two numerical variable profit and sales by sub-category and category. To plot the scatter chart we add the scatter chart in the power BI report, then drag Sales and profit as in X-axis and Y-axis. drag subcategory and category as in Details and legend.

  • Details - Sub-Category

  • Legend - Category

  • X-axis - Sales

  • Y-axis - Profit

Formatting Scatter chart -

  • General - It allows you to set X-axis and Y-axis . width and height chart.

  • Legend - set the font color, size, font family

  • X-Axis - You can modify the appearance of the x-axis section of the chart such as set the font color, size and font family etc.

  • Y-Axis - You can modify the appearance of the Y-axis section of the chart such as set the font color, size and font family etc.

  • Title - You can set the title name for Scatter chart and set the font color

  • Data colors - you can change the colors used for each series in the chart.

  • Data labels - You can turn On/Off the data labels. It enables the values for each category on the chart & we can set the Position, unit and orientation of labels.

  • Background - You can set the background color of the chart.

  • Category - it show the category name on scatter chart

Scatter chart sales and profit by sub category and category

Create a Pie chart profit by subcategory

Pie chart is visualize the data in circular graph, divided into a areas and each area represent precentage or count the observation of level for the variable. To plot the pie chart we need to add the pie chart in the power BI report. then drag Subcategory and profit as in Legend and values.

  • Legend - subcategory

  • Values - Profit

Formatting Pie chart -

  • Legend - set the font color, size, font family

  • Title - You can set the title name for Scatter chart and set the font color

  • Data colors - you can change the colors used for each series in the chart.

  • Data labels - You can turn On/Off the data labels. It enables the values for each category on the chart & we can set the Position, unit and orientation of labels.

  • Background - You can set the background color of the chart.

Pie chart Profit by subcategory

Create Donut Chart Sales by Region

Donut chart is used to visualize the proportion of categorical data, divided into a slice and each slice representing the portion of each category. To plot the donut chart we need to add the donut chart in the power BI report. then drag Region and Sales as in Legend and values.

  • Legend - Region

  • Values - Sales

Formatting Pie chart -

  • Legend - set the font color, size, font family

  • Title - You can set the title name for Scatter chart and set the font color

  • Data colors - you can change the colors used for each series in the chart.

  • Data labels - You can turn On/Off the data labels. It enables the values for each category on the chart & we can set the Position, unit and orientation of labels.

  • Background - You can set the background color of the chart.

Donut chart sales by Region

Create Treemap chart profit by state

To plot the Treemap chart we need to add the Treemap chart in the power BI report. then drag State and profit as in group and values.

  • Legend - State

  • Values - Profit

Formatting Funnel chart -

  • Category - In this chart Category is Region west, East, South and center. set the font color and size.

  • Data color - Here we set the data color as red as shown in the screenshot.

  • Data labels - It shows the data values for each category. We can set the font color and size.

  • Conversion rate label - It shows the conversion rate in the chart.

  • Background - you can set the background color for chart or make it turn off

Treemap chart Profit by State

If you need implementation for any of the topics mentioned above .0or assignment help on any of its variants, feel free to contact us.


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