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Python Coding Assignment: Artificial Neural Network

This assignment aims to implement an artificial neural network (ANN) model using TensorFlow or Keras and evaluate its performance on a chosen dataset. Students are encouraged to explore different architectures activation functions, and optimization algorithms.

Artificial Neural Network
Artificial Neural Network


  • Implement an ANN model using TensorFlow or Keras.

  • Evaluate the model's performance on a chosen classification or regression dataset.

  • Students are encouraged to experiment with various architectures, activation functions, and optimization algorithms.


Dataset Selection: 

Students need to choose a publicly available dataset suited for classification or regression tasks. Common options include MNIST (handwritten digits), Iris flower classification, or Boston housing price prediction.

Data Preprocessing:

  • Load the chosen dataset.

  • Perform necessary cleaning and preparation steps like normalization or standardization of features.

  • Split the data into training, validation, and testing sets.

Model Building:

  • Import essential libraries (TensorFlow, Keras, etc.).

  • Define the model architecture (number of layers, neurons per layer, activation functions, chosen optimizer).

  • Compile the model by specifying the loss function and optimizer.

Model Training:

  • Train the model on the training data for a set number of epochs and with a specific batch size.

  • Monitor the training process by observing the loss and accuracy (or other relevant metrics) on the validation set to avoid overfitting.

Model Evaluation:

  • Evaluate the trained model on the unseen testing set to assess its generalizability.

  • Calculate performance metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score (for classification) or mean squared error, R-squared (for regression).

Report and Discussion:

  • Summarize the chosen dataset, preprocessing steps, model architecture, training process, and evaluation results.

  • Analyze the model's performance, including any challenges encountered and potential areas for improvement.

  • Consider exploring different hyperparameter settings, activation functions, or architectures to potentially enhance performance.


Stuck on a specific aspect of your ANN project, like data pre-processing or hyperparameter tuning? No problem! Codersarts' tutors are here to help. Get clear explanations, troubleshooting assistance, and code reviews to ensure your model is on the right track



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