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R Markdown

Updated: Oct 26, 2021

What is R Markdown

R Markdown is file format for making dynamic documents with R. It provides a framework for data science, code, its result and commentary. Hence it can compile R script to a notebook which includes source code, script output and commentary. R markdown is reproducible and it supports output formats such as, pdf, word files and many more.

.Rmd files :

An R Markdown (.Rmd) file created using Rstudio and this is a record of the research part. This file markdown format plain text and chunks of R code, data scientists use them to create reports, documents and presentations. This file can convert a number of other formats like .pdf, .docx, HTML etc.

Reproducible Research :

We can rerun the code in an R Markdown file by clicking a button or typing a command to reproduce the work and export the results as a final report.

Dynamic Documents :

You can export the final report in various formats such as pdf, rtf documents, html, ms word, notebook and more.

This is an R Markdown file (plain text file) that has the extension .Rmd given below.

R Markdown Script

When you knit the Rmd (document) file, R Markdown sends the .Rmd file to knitr, which executes all the code chunks and creates a new document file .md (markdown file) which contains the code and its output. This file is generated by knitr, processed by pandoc which is creating the finished file.

The above document looks like this when rendered as an HTML file.


How to Start with R Markdown ?

To create an R Markdown file, open a plain text file by clicking on the File Menu>New File>Text File in the RStudio and save it with the extension “.Rmd”. To save the file click on the File Menu> save, while saving the file be sure to save the file with extension ".Rmd"

Create a plain text file

To create an R Markdown file click on File Menu>New File > R Markdown, after that one dialogue box appears on the screen, write the title name of your project and author name, then select the file type which you want to open. After that save the file with the extension “.Rmd”.

Create a new R Markdown file

R Markdown reports depend on three frameworks

  • YAML for render parameters

  • Knitr for embedded R code

  • R Markdown for formatted text

YAML for render parameters

This header at the top is known as the YAML header. Yaml stands for yaml ain't markup language. We can use it to control how rmarkdown renders your .Rmd file. A YAML header is a section of key value pairs and surrounded by “---”. No need to specify, if you render your file with knit button

YAML Header

Outputs format

  • html_document : create a HTML output

  • pdf_document: create a pdf output

  • word_document : create a word output

Knitr for embedded R code

knitr is an engine for dynamic report generation with R. its packages in the R programming language that enables integration of R code into LaReX, LyX, HTML, Markdown, AsciiDoc, and reStructuredText documents.

When we render the report, knitr will run the code and add the output to the file.

Type R code between the backticks as shown in the screenshot to embedded the chunk of R code in the report. after the three backticks include {r} this is because to alert the knitr this is chunk of R code

knitr for embedded R code

R Markdown for formatted text

We can add plain text in the report. We can use markdown to indicate.

  • Bold

  • Italics

  • Hyperlinks

  • Headers

  • Image

  • Line breaks

  • Bullets

  • Number list

  • Tables

R markdown formate text

How Codersarts can Help you in R programming ?

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  • R prograaming Assignment help

  • R programming Error Resolving Help

  • Mentorship in R programming from Experts

  • R programming Development Project

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