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SQL Assignment Help: Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and MongoDB

SQL Assignment Help: Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite,  and MongoDB
SQL Assignment Help: Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and MongoDB

Codersarts is a top rated website for  students, developers and development services for business.

We offer SQL expert help, Oracle Assignment Help, MySQL Assignment Help, SQL Server Assignment Help, PostgreSQL Assignment Help, SQLite Assignment Help, MongoDB Assignment Help, Database tutors and consultants.

Hire us and Get your projects done by expert SQL developer or learn from SQL expert with team training & coaching experiences.

Our SQL expert will provide help in any type of programming Help, tutoring,  Database project development

What is SQL?


It is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS), or for stream processing in a relational data stream management system (RDSMS). It is particularly useful in handling structured data where there are relations between different entities/variables of the data

What Is DBMS?


Database Management System (DBMS) as a "software system that enables users to define, create, maintain and control access to the database"

Database management assignment experts define database as an organized collection of data. DBMS stands for database management systems.

Functionality provided by a DBMS

  • Data storage, retrieval and update

  • User accessible catalog or data dictionary describing the metadata

  • Support for transactions and concurrency

  • Facilities for recovering the database should it become damaged

  • Support for authorization of access and update of data

  • Access support from remote locations

  • Enforcing constraints to ensure data in the database abides by certain rules

Today, DBMS Are Used For A Many different Areas for a different purpose:


Banking management system

The Bank Account Management System is an application for maintaining a person's account in a bank. In this project I tried to show the working of a banking account system and cover the basic functionality of a Bank Account Management System.

To develop a project for solving financial applications of a customer in banking environment in order to nurture the needs of an end banking user by providing various ways to perform banking tasks. Also to enable the user’s work space to have additional functionalities which are not provided under a conventional banking project.

The Bank Account Management System undertaken as a project is based on relevant technologies. The main aim of this project is to develop software for Bank Account Management System. This project has been developed to carry out the processes easily and quickly, which is not possible with the manuals systems, which are overcome by this software. This project is developed using Python, PHP, JAVA, HTML language and SQL use for database connection.

UML Diagram Of Banking Management System

Tables Used to handle Banking management system:

To handle Bank Management System, there are five types of tables used.

1. Customer Table: It contains all details about customer. Here we create customer table by using below SQL Query.




custid VARCHAR(6),

fname VARCHAR(30),

mname VARCHAR(30),

ltname VARCHAR(30),

city VARCHAR(15),

mobileno VARCHAR(10),

occupation VARCHAR(10),

dob DATE,

CONSTRAINT customer_custid_pk PRIMARY KEY(custid)


2. Branch Table



bid VARCHAR(6),

bname VARCHAR(30),

bcity VARCHAR(30),

CONSTRAINT branch_bid_pk PRIMARY KEY(bid)


3. Account



acnumber VARCHAR(6),

custid VARCHAR(6),

bid VARCHAR(6),

opening_balance INT(7),

aod DATE,

atype VARCHAR(10),

astatus VARCHAR(10),

CONSTRAINT account_acnumber_pk PRIMARY KEY(acnumber),

CONSTRAINT account_custid_fk FOREIGN KEY(custid) REFERENCES customer(custid),

CONSTRAINT account_bid_fk FOREIGN KEY(bid) REFERENCES branch(bid)


4. TransDetails

CREATE TABLE trandetails


tnumber VARCHAR(6),

acnumber VARCHAR(6),

dot DATE,

medium_of_transaction VARCHAR(20),

transaction_type VARCHAR(20),

transaction_amount INT(7),

CONSTRAINT trandetails_tnumber_pk PRIMARY KEY(tnumber),

CONSTRAINT trandetails_acnumber_fk FOREIGN KEY(acnumber) REFERENCES account(acnumber)


5. Loan Table



custid VARCHAR(6),

bid VARCHAR(6),

loan_amount INT(7),

CONSTRAINT loan_customer_custid_bid_pk PRIMARY KEY(custid,bid),

CONSTRAINT loan_custid_fk FOREIGN KEY(custid) REFERENCES customer(custid),

CONSTRAINT loan_bid_fk FOREIGN KEY(bid) REFERENCES branch(bid)



Boat management system

Like a Banking management system, Boat management system, also used to handle same functionality.

Tables used to handle Boat Management System:

1. Sailors Table

create table sailors


sid integer,

sname varchar(20),

rating integer,

age integer


2. Boat Table

create table boats


bid integer,

bname varchar(20),

color varchar(20)


3. Reserves Table

create table reserves


sid integer,

bid integer,

day1 date



Employee management system

Today Employee management system used by many private and government organization, here we provide syntax how to create table to handle this:

1- emp_details table


emp_details ( emp_id INT NOT NULL ,

'first_name` VARCHAR(45) NULL ,

`last_name` VARCHAR(45) NULL,

`supervisor_id` INT NULL ,

`join_date` DATE NULL ,

`salary` DECIMAL(10,2) NULL ,

`dept_no` INT NULL ,

`designation_id` INT NULL ,

`skill_id` INT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`emp_id`) );

2- Designation Table

CREATE TABLE designation` ( `designation_id` VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL ,

`designation_name` VARCHAR(45) NULL , PRIMARY KEY(`designation_id`) );

3- dept_details Table


dept_details` ( `dept_no` INT NOT NULL ,

`dept_name` VARCHAR(45) NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`dept_no`) );

4- project_details Table


project_details` ( `proj_id` INT NOT NULL ,

`proj_name` VARCHAR(45) NULL ,

`project_lead` INT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`proj_id`) );

5- `ems`.`role` Table


`ems`.`role` ( `role_id` INT NOT NULL , `role_name` VARCHAR(45) NULL ,

PRIMARY KEY (`role_id`) );

6- `ems`.`project_alloc` Table


`ems`.`project_alloc` ( `role_id` INT NOT NULL , `proj_id` INT NOT NULL ,

`emp_id` INT NOT NULL );

7- `ems`.`skill` Table


`ems`.`skill` ( `skill_id` INT NOT NULL , `skill_name` VARCHAR(45) NULL ,

`proficiency_level` VARCHAR(45) NULL , `year_of_experience` INT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`skill_id`) );


Flight management system

UML Diagram of Flight management system

Flight management system
Flight management system

create database new_fms_db;

use new_fms_db;

1- `new_fms_db`.`air_credit_card_details` Table

CREATE TABLE `new_fms_db`.`air_credit_card_details` (

`profile_id` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL ,

`card_number` BIGINT NULL ,

`card_type` VARCHAR(45) NULL ,

`expiration_month` INT NULL ,

`expiration_year` INT NULL );

2- `new_fms_db`.`air_passenger_profile` Table

CREATE TABLE `new_fms_db`.`air_passenger_profile` (

`profile_id` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL ,

`password` VARCHAR(45) NULL ,

`first_name` VARCHAR(45) NULL ,

`last_name` VARCHAR(45) NULL ,

`address` VARCHAR(45) NULL ,

`mobile_number` BIGINT NULL ,

`email_id` VARCHAR(45) NULL );

3- `new_fms_db`.`air_ticket_info` Table

CREATE TABLE `new_fms_db`.`air_ticket_info` (

`ticket_id` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL ,

`profile_id` VARCHAR(10) NULL ,

`flight_id` VARCHAR(45) NULL ,

`flight_departure_date` DATE NULL ,

`status` VARCHAR(45) NULL );

4- `new_fms_db`.`air_flight_details` Table

CREATE TABLE `new_fms_db`.`air_flight_details` (

`flight_id` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL ,

`flight_departure_date` DATE NULL ,

`price` DECIMAL(10,2) NULL ,

`available_seats` INT NULL );

5- `new_fms_db`.`air_flight` Table

CREATE TABLE `new_fms_db`.`air_flight` (

`flight_id` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL ,

`airline_id` VARCHAR(45) NULL ,

`airline_name` VARCHAR(45) NULL ,

`from_location` VARCHAR(45) NULL ,

`to_location` VARCHAR(45) NULL ,

`departure_time` TIME NULL ,

`arrival_time` TIME NULL ,

`duration` TIME NULL ,

`total_seats` INT NULL );


Hospital management system

1- doctor_master Table

create table doctor_master


doctorid Varchar(5) Primary Key,

doctorname Varchar(15) Not Null,

dept Varchar(15) Not Null


2. room_master Table

create table room_master


room_no Varchar(5) Primary Key,

room_type Varchar(10) Not Null,

status Varchar(10) Not Null


3- patient_master Table

create table patient_master


pid Varchar(5) Primary Key,

name Varchar(20) Not Null,

age int Not Null,

weight int Not Null,

gender Varchar(10) Not null,

address Varchar(50) Not Null,

phoneno varchar(10) Not Null,

disease Varchar(50) Not Null,

doctorid Varchar(5) Not Null,

constraint patient_master_doctorid_fk foreign key(doctorid) references doctor_master(doctorid)


4- room_allocation Table

create table room_allocation


room_no varchar(5),

pid varchar(5),

adm_date date,

release_date date,

constraint room_allocation_room_no_fk foreign key(room_no) references room_master(room_no),

constraint room_allocation_pid_fk foreign key(pid) references patient_master(pid)


5- bill_payment Table

create table bill_payment


billid varchar(5) primary key,

pid varchar(5),

amount float(7,2),

constraint bill_payment_pid_fk foreign key(pid) references patient_master(pid)


You can create these Database by yourself and can comment below.

Library management system

UML Diagram of Library Management System

Library management system
Library management system

Insurance management system

Mobile management system

Movie management system

Product management system

Student Management System

Functional areas of databases Handle by our expert team


There are four main functional areas of DBMS which is handle by our expert:

  • Data definition: Creation and removal of definitions that determine the organization of a data.

  • Data update: Insertion and modification of a given data.

  • Data retrieval: Providing information in a form directly usable or for further processing by other applications.

  • Data administration: Registering and monitoring users, data security, maintain data integrity and recovering information after a sudden failure.

History Of Database


Development of database technology has taken place over the years and can be divided into three broad areas. Database management assignment highlights the following:

  • Navigational DBMS(1960s)

  • SQL/Relational DBMS (1970s- 1990s)

  • Post-relational DBMS (2000 onwards)

Navigational DBMS(1960s): From the 1960s, the availability of the direct access storage (disks and drums) led to the introduction of databases. IDS was one such early network databases developed by the computer division of General Electric. Another database was IMS developed by IBM. These were navigational databases. They used the navigational approach in which navigation was used as a technique to find information. Get database management assignment help at an unmatchable rate!

SQL/Relational DBMS (1970s- 1990s): 1970s saw the rise of relational databases. A relational database uses relational model of data analysis i.e. it divides information into several tables with rows and columns each with its own unique key. Since all the rows have their unique keys, information of a row can be linked to the information of another row simply by the virtue of these keys. The relational model of databases was first proposed by E.F. Codd in 1970. IBM started working on a new database based on Codd’s code. It came to be known as SQL/DS or Database Another important database to develop was Oracle in 1978. 1980s saw the coming of desktop computing. Dbase was the top selling computer software in the 1990s. Get fastest database management assignment help from Codersarts.

Post-relational DBMS(2000 onwards): The next generation of databases used post-relational database model. These new databases are perfect for new age computers. They are fast and efficient and do not require fixed table schemes. Important examples included in database management assignment are NoSQL and NewSQL.

Types Of Database Management Systems


There are four structural types of database management systems:

  • Hierarchical databases: It contain information about there groups of parent/child relationships, like as a tree structure. It collects all records together as a record type. These record types are the equivalent of tables in the relational model, and with the individual records being the equivalent of rows.

  • Network databases: In network databases, children are called members and parents are an occupier. The difference between each child or member can have more than one parent. A large digital computer mainly uses a network database. The network database is more efficient. Therefore is similar to the hierarchical database.

  • Relational databases: In relational databases, the relationship between data files is relational. Hierarchical and network databases require the user to pass a hierarchy in order to access required data. Relational databases work on each table has a key field that uniquely indicates each row, and that these key fields can be used to connect one table of data to another.

  • Object-oriented databases: In this type of DBMS, it uses programming languages like C, C++, and Java which is an object-oriented language. Therefore, the object-oriented database derivation is the integrity of object-oriented programming language systems and consistent systems.

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