A Project Idea is the foremost stage of getting started any learning. No ideas is right or wrong if you wish to build something or wanna develop an android app but the order of selecting any project ideas is always intuitive. In some point of time you might realize that having an instructor or a mentor could be a good decision to clear your doubts. Codersarts project based mentorship
could be a smart move for student to connect 1-on-1 with expert and start developing android app journey confidently.
We have listed down some android app project ideas along with project title, features, packages and libraries, concept used, solution approach. please comment down below your preferred project ideas from this list.
1. Local News
Build a local news site where users can log in, post and read about local news and events. If a user other than admin logged in, then the user should see an add news link or button to add news details such as title of the News, Photo Uploaded from device, multi-line News Article, the username of the person adding the article, current date, etc.
User-friendly and Simple Interface, Simple Login Screen, Smooth Listing
of Items, Uses Online Database which synchronises itself when device
comes online.
Packages and Libraries
Recycler View used to display custom made row items in different activities, Realtime Database to store news information, Storage to store images. Authentication to authenticate users.
Concept Used
Activites, Resources, Apps and Packages, Containers/Layout Managers
Application features can be achieved by displaying all the authorised articles stored in Realtime Database and if the normal user logged in, he is moved to upload News info with image to database, and admin authorises those added news and they are showed in Home Activity.
2. Hit Movies App
Movies app that extracts data from The Movie Database API. This app will implement the basic functionality and layout.
User-friendly and Simple Interface, Smooth Listing of Items with proper
Image Orientation, Fast Loading Speed, Compact, Beautiful UI.
Packages and Libraries
Permissions, Thread Basics, AsyncTask, JSON Parsing, RecyclerViews, ViewHolders and Adapters, Intents (Implicit and Explicit), Third-Part Android Libraries (Picasso, a library to load images to your app).
Concept Used
Activites, Resources, Apps and Packages, Containers/Layout Managers,
Implement a custom adapter to show movies, We can make a Class Parcelable to optimize transferring data from one Activity to another. Restore state on rotation using onSaveInstanceState.
3. Baking App
It uses many new concepts such as UI testing, media playback and Fragments.
User-friendly and Simple Interface, Smooth Listing of Items with proper
Image Orientation, Fast Loading Speed, Compact, Beautiful UI, Media
Packages and Libraries
Fragments, Fragment Manager, Libraries, Media Playback (using ExoPlayer, a Third-Part Library), Creating Widgets for the App, Espresso (Third-party library that tests if your app’s user interface behaves and displays correctly).
Concept Used
Activites, Resources, Apps and Packages, Containers/Layout Managers,
Use Fragments to create 2 tabs of the app, Home and Favourite. Use Widgets for the app. And for testing app’s user interface use library called Espresso.
4. Location, Image and Info App
The application traces the location of user using Google Maps API and stores user Info using SQLite Database. As User taps the List View item it opens the location which was saved in user’s database.
User-friendly and Simple Interface, Menu, Uses SQLite Database, Ability
To work in Offline Mode, Simple List View and Map Representation.
Packages and Libraries
The apk uses List View with a custom adapter to show user elements and uses Google Maps API to show the location of the user. And we can save image of user in our database which opens on long tapping the list item.
Concept Used
Activites, Resources, Apps and Packages, Containers/Layout Managers,
Broadcast Receiver.
Use different activities to control the flow, and use google maps api to show user location, you can use third party libraries to make apk feel more pleasant.
5. Contact Saving App
The apk saves contact information of user and have icons to make phone call and message the number saved in contact info. User can delete and update particular contact and can delete all contacts all contacts at once.
Beautiful UI, Search Enabled for Contacts, Simple Listing, SQLite(a
lightweight relational database), Menu, Fast Loading Speed, Compact.
Packages and Libraries
App uses recycler view to show items and uses SQLite Database to store users info. And uses Filter to search for contacts. Uses permissions to make phone calls and text messages.
Concept Used
Activites, Resources, Apps and Packages, Containers/Layout Managers,
Broadcast Receiver.
Create different activities to add contact details and an activity to update and delete contact details.
6. Words Memorizing App
App has different categories like adverb, verb, adjective in which we can save words and there is a user list in which user can add words from different categories. And can play quiz of words from user list.
User-friendly and Simple Interface, Smooth Listing of Items, Uses Online Database which synchronises itself when device comes online.
Packages and Libraries
App uses List View to show words and their explanation, words are saved in realtime database. And a quiz activity is created which has 10 questions in it.
Concept Used
Activites, Resources, Apps and Packages, Containers/Layout Managers,
Broadcast Receiver, Services.
Create activity which loads word categories data and a quiz activity. And implement add and delete activities. And on clicking any item in the given category show an alert dialog to add that item to user list or not.
7. Academic Term App
App creates different terms for user like term1, term2, spring term, in which user can add different courses and inside of every course user can add different assessments. And there is a login screen for the user.
User-friendly and Simple Interface, Simple Registration and Login Screen,
Uses Online Database which synchronises itself when device comes online, Simple Flow between Screens, Menu.
Packages and Libraries
App uses List Views to show terms, courses and assessments. And stores database in Firestore which uses Collection and Documents to store database.
Concept Used
Activites, Resources, Apps and Packages, Containers/Layout Managers.
App has activities for courses, terms and assessments. And has add activity to add different terms, their respective courses and assessments.
8. Build-It-Bigger
Project gives an idea of how powerful gradle can be for Android and how it can improve the development lifecycle. From a very simple starter code we will create custom Gradle tasks, build types (Debug and Release) and flavors for our app. We will create and incorporate an Android library and a Java library for our app.
User-friendly and Simple Interface showing Jokes, Simple Flow between Screens, Menu.
Packages and Libraries
Gradle tasks, Groovy, Task Configuration, Incremental Builds, Working
with Local Repositories, Declaring dependencies, Dependency Reports,
Automated Testing, Gradle Wrapper, Build Types, Flavors and Variants,
Java Libraries, Android Libraries, Proguard, Automatic Signing.
Concept Used
Activites, Resources, Apps and Packages, Containers/Layout Managers.
We will learn the role of Gradle in building Android Apps and how to
use Gradle to manage apps of increasing complexity. We'll learn to:
Add free and paid flavors to an app, and set up your build to share code between them.
Factor reusable functionality into a Java library
Factor reusable Android functionality into an Android library
Configure a multi project build to compile your libraries and app
Use the Gradle App Engine plugin to deploy a backend
Configure an integration test suite that runs against the local App Engine development server.
9. Material Design for Android Developers
This is a great project focused on implementing material design guidelines on an existing app. We will learn how to use colors, how to use different resources for different screen resolutions, surfaces and much more!
The principles we learn on this project are very important to make our app look awesome to our users, a key factor for our app’s success.
User-friendly and Simple Interface, Smooth Listing of Items with proper
Image Orientation, Fast Loading Speed, Compact, Beautiful UI.
Packages and Libraries
Physical and Density-Independent pixels, Raster vs. Vector graphics, Resource Qualifiers, State List Drawables, Layout, Design Patterns, Surfaces, Gestalt Principles, Grids and Keylines, Metrics, Color, Typography, Fonts, Background Protection, Transitions, Animated Vector Drawables, Adaptive Design.
Concept Used
Activites, Resources, Apps and Packages, Containers/Layout Managers.
We can implement material design on existing app components and see the changes.
10. Trivia - Knowledge
Trivia knowledge is a fun game in which players have to guess the answers of questions by filling the answers boxes with correct letters.
Switch between three different difficulty level easy, medium and hard
Free hint for each trivia question let's you fill some random answer boxes which take care you won't get stuck on any question
Can be played offline
You can switch between questions any time
Packages and Libraries
Random Library, Database to Store Questions and their Answers.
Concepts Used
Activites, Resources, Apps and Packages, Containers/Layout Managers.
Database can be used to store questions and can be selected randomly to show to the user with multiple options.
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