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Web development using PHP - Sample Assignment

Web Programming Using PHP

Using what we have covered over the course of the semester you will have to create a CRUD system that has both pages that can be accessed while not logged in and pages that will require the user to be logged in to access. The user should be able to create a user, and complete the update and delete functions while logged in.

While planning this project think about the functionality that you would find on a blog website or a social media platform!


Below you can find the requirements / instructions for this project. Please read them carefully.

Using HTML, CSS, SQL, & PHP complete the following requirements:


  • Using valid HTML and the correct semantic elements, create the following public pages (no login required).

    • Home page

    • About / Content page

    • Register page

  • Comment the HTML


  • Create a table to contain the admin data

  • Create a table to contain the websites content


  • Using PHP display the website content to the appropriate HTML page

  • Create a global header that contains a logo, login form and site navigation

  • Create a globalfooter

  • Add the create functionality to the register page

    • Passwords should be hashed

    • All inputs must be validated

    • Users should not be able to have the same email address

  • Create a page that shows all the registered users. This page should require the user to be logged in. The user should also be able to update or delete a registered user

  • On the content page, if the user is logged in, they should be able to update or delete the websites content


  • Styling should be applied to all pages to give the web application a professional appearance


  • Create a sorting function that will allow the user to filter the content that is displayed

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