JWT stands for JSON web Token
It is very popular technology to verify the json data of user (User authentication).
It is very secure as once it is send to frontend then no one can modify it if someone modify it user lose the access of the information.
It is mostly used for rest API authentication.
Now let’s understand it by writing some code.
We will be understanding it by using Node.js
We also need a NPM package called jsonwebtoken
Step1:- Generation a json web token using the user information payload with an expire time.
Importing jwt from package installed
Var jwt = require(‘jsonwebtoken’);
Const payload = {
Name: ‘user’
Username: ‘username’,
//injecting payload
// the jwt token will be expire in 10hrs.
expiresIn: ‘10hrs’
// we will get an error or an token
(err, token) => {
//check if error is there
return Console.log(err);
Step2:- Method to verify token
(err, decodedToken) => {
return console.log(‘unauthorized’)
// you will get the same payload object that you have set
return console.log(decodedToken)